"Joakim Von And" <ncm_ab@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse news:43a938b3$0$15793$14726298@news.sunsite.dk...
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>> Hvad er dit budskab ?
>> At få starten en ny krig op i fredens navn ?
> Som udgangspunkt ser jeg gerne at der først forsøges med embargo, økonomiske
> sanktioner og politisk isolation af Iran.
Embargo ?
En Iransk olie boycut lyder ikke som en realistisk løsning,,
fra news:43a0b1dc$0$84016$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk
Iran har indgået nogle kæmpe oile og gas kontrakter med Kina
T h e t i e s t h a t b i n d C h i n a, R u s s i a a n d I r a n
"In March 2004, China's state-owned oil trading company, Zhuhai Zhenrong Corporation,
signed a 25-year deal to import 110 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Iran.
This was followed by a much larger deal between another of China's state-owned oil companies,
Sinopec, and Iran, signed in October 2004. This deal, worth about $100 billion, allows China to
import a further 250 million tons of LNG from Iran's Yadavaran oilfield over a 25-year period.
In addition to LNG, the Yadavaran deal provides China with 150,000 barrels per day of crude
oil over the same period. "
"At the end of 2004, China became Iran's top oil export market"
2. Våben kontrakter med Rusland. seneste nye indkøb.
Iran Buying SA-15/Tor M-1 SAM Systems from Russia
Reuters are reporting that Russia will sell about 30 Tor M-1 (SA-15 Gauntlet) surface-to-air missile systems.
Those missiles will now find their way to Iran, where they will be emplaced between 2006-2008 around the
Bushehr nuclear power plant. That reactor is due to be completed by Russia in 2007, and is widely seen as
a component of Iran's atomic bomb program.
Interfax news agency separately quoted a source as saying the deal, which would also include modernising
Iran's air force and supplying some patrol boats, was worth more than $1 billion, including $700 million or so for the SA-15s.
3. Generelle gode forbindelser med Venezuela
Chavez to visit Iran early next year - 2005/12/03
Caracas , Dec 3 - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez announced late
Friday that he plans to visit Iran early next year to bolster the fight against
imperialism, US hegemonic pretensions status.
Chavez said his government rejects the US aggression toward Iran over its nuclear program.
Today we can say that Iran and Venezuela, the Iranian revolution and the Venezuelan revolution,
are brothers; we have achieved it. And that brotherhood hopes for a world of equals, Chavez said.
Tractors delivered to Venezuelans 2005/12/02
Buenos Aires, Dec 2 - The first consignment of tractors called "Ven-Iran" jointly
produced in Venezuela were delivered to farmers in a ceremony attended by
President Hugo Chavez in Bolivar on Thursday.
Iranian ambassador to Caracas Ahmad Sobhani and several senior Venezuelan
officials and MPs including ministers of agriculture, infrastructure, energy and mines
and housing were present in the ceremony.
Some 400 tractors were delivered to farmers in the ceremony and President Chavez
drove one of them for several minutes.
Several thousand people in the city of Bolivar took part in a parade
when the president stood to review them along with 100 tractors decorated with national flags of Iran and Venezuela.
Iran , Venezuela eye joint banks 2005/12/03
Buenos Aires, Dec 3 - Visiting Iranian Minister of Industries and Mines
Alireza Tahmasebi has put forward a proposal to the Venezuelan official
to set up joint bank branches.
In the third meeting of Iran-Venezuela joint economic commission, Tahmasebi also
called for meetings of the kind every six months.
Given to the bilateral economic activities, the minister said in addition to the construction of
cement plant and a plant for assembling tractors and cars, Tehran and Venezuela have started
some projects such as production of flour, dairy products and plastic spare parts of cars.
Jan Rasmussen