Alucard wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Nov 2005 01:16:22 +0100, "Henrik Svendsen"
> <> wrote:
>>>> "Such "chemtrails" are substantially different in appearance to the
>>>> normal condensation trails left by jet airliners. The difference is
>>>> that while condensation trails are composed of water vapor that
>>>> dissipates rapidly, "chemtrails" linger much longer and spread out
>>>> over time to eventually cover the sky with a thin haze. "
>>>> "We had noticed that the sparsely populated areas in Nevada had
>>>> brilliantly clear blue skies and that the occasional airplane left
>>>> vapor trails that dissipated normally. But as soon as we neared Las
>>>> Vegas, in the skies directly above the city, we watched what
>>>> appeared to be a military C-135 Transports spraying something over
>>>> the populated areas. When the planes were no longer directly over
>>>> Las Vegas, they continued flying leaving a vapor trail that
>>>> dissipated normally."
>>>> Også i DK!
>>> Hahahahahahahahaha..... Den er næsten bedre end den om at det var
>>> CIA der smadrede WTC med misiler...
![Meget Glad](images/smileys/megetglad.gif)
>> Ikke at jeg ved, hvad chemtrails er; men hvad er det vanvittigt
>> morsomme ved chemtrails?
> Har du læst artiklen...? Den er mere forrykt en Bjørnebande-historie i
> et Anders And blad.....
Hvad er det forrykte ved artiklen? Er det det med JP8 eller det med
Teller? Det lyder da meget troeligt i mine ører. Er det forkert, hvad
der skrives om f.eks. JP8 eller Teller?