"TBC" skrev
[ ... file 4893 ... ]
> > Hvad er det for noget fis at fyrre af, Al Gore ?
> Med mindre terrorister får fat i en helt arsenal af A-bomber, eller andre
> grimme masseødelæggelsesvåben, er der vel langt flere der direkte kommer i
> berøring og føling med klimaet, end der direkte udsættes for terror.
> Statistisk set er der vel f.eks også langt større chance for at komme til
> skade i trafikken, end i et terrorangreb. Så faren ved terror er fortsat
> imho vildt overdrevent, selv om terroren selvfølgelig er et meget konkret
> irritationsmoment, måske endog en psykisk belastning for nogle, og
> samtidig er noget moralsk endog *meget* forkastelig.
> Og naturligvis må man søge at sikre sig at terroren ikke får bedre
> muligheder og betingelser frem over, hvilket tilsyneladende ikke går så
> godt med alene hårdt mod hårdt. ...Naturligvis fristes man til at sige, da
> "alene hårdt mod hårdt" sjældent er en hensigsmæssig strategi ifht
> konflikter, med mindre man har en part der er helt i stand til at tryne
> den anden.
> Jeg tror man skal være mere underfundig, og supplere det hårde, med noget
> mere, f.eks mere aktivt at forsøge at bekæmpe og fjerne baggrundende for
> de vilkår og det had og den frustration der gør nogle mennesker
> modtagelige for den hårde terror retorik og ideologi.
Hmm ... input Al-Gore-memory (the official):
1608 news:eEI0c.102128$jf4.6139781@news000.worldonline.dk
(internal memory:
=== citat start (file 1608) ===
From Mogens Kall Thursday 5. Sep. 1996
To the International Court of Justice, Haag
Copies: The government of USA and the Muslim World through the
Saudi-Arabian ambassador to DK.
Dear Justice,
Warrant in regard to a mass murderer!
Saturday August the 31. this year Saddam Hussein attacked Kurds in the
northern Iraq. UN proclaimed - after the gulf-war in 1991 - this area
as a free zone, and to protect the Kurds against this mass murderer
and his war-mashine, UDN established a no-fly zone. We don't know, how
many innocents people, they had murdered - yet!
It's NOT the first-time Saddam Hussein had done barbarism. In the
eighties he had done crimes against humanity by nerve-gas-attack upon
the Kurds and ethnic-purge-trial by mass-murder in the southern Iraq.
He had also launched aggressive wars upon Iran (in the eighties) and
Kuwait (in 1990).
Lord Shawcross, Nrembreg prosecutor 1945, says i.r.t. the trial:
"The purpose was a twofold:
The first was retribution; the punishment of people,
who'd launched this war against the world, and not only
the war, but also - prior to the commencement of the war
and during it - had, of course, committed the most ter-
rible crimes against humanity as, for instance, by exter-
minating, and certainly 7 million jews.
The second purpose of the trial was that we hoped to
lay down the rules of international law of the future.
Not only making the waging of aggressive war unlawful,
but, for the first time, making the statesmen, who led
their countries into an aggressive war, personally re-
sponsible for what, they had done."
Saddam Hussein is PERSONALLY responsible for these crimes against
humanity, as far as I can see. The question is:
"Why don't we put him on trial ? - The people of Iraq can
not live in peace until this dictator is gone. They need
our help - NOW"
In regard to a "hypothetical" REWARD - can we use "Red Cross (Red
half-moon)" as a banq?
Yours respectfully
The servant of Michael
=== citat slut (file 1608) ====
And *did* You finish Your job, Al Gore ?
Why not, Sir ?
Did You not understood, how *important* this was and still is ?
But I told You it (input memory):
=== citat start (letter 1997-01-21.USA) ===
From Mogens Kall Tuesday, 21. January 1997
To the government of USA (include the Capitol)
c/o Ambassador to DK.
Dear Mrs."foreign" Madelaine Albright,
The bridge to the FUTURE
There is work to do, that government cannot do alone, and there is
work to do, that cannot be done without the government:
"The purpose was a twofold: The first was retribu-
tion; the punishment of people, who'd launched this
war against the world, and not only the war, but
who - prior to the commencement of the war and du-
ring it - had, of course, committed the most terrib-
le crimes against humanity as, for instance, by er-
terminating, and certainly 7 million jews.
The second purpose of the trial was that we hoped
to lay down the rules of international law of the
future. Not only making the waging of aggressive war
unlawful, but, for the first time, making the states-
men, who led their countries into an aggressive war,
personally responsible for what they had done."
Lord Shawcross,
Nürnberg prosecutor 1945.
º ...to lay down the rules of international law of the FUTURE !!! º
As it is now, the International Court of Justice is not independent.
It's in the Security Council's pocket! Cannibals (some of the
can, stop justice by useing veto. This is NOT fair business, because:
NOBODY is ABOVE the law !!!
The suggest is:
The United Democratic Nations (the U.D.N)
The International Court of Justice is the judicial power with a
mission. All international warrant for arrests will be following up
rewards. If it's necessary, the rewards will be valid "Dead or
because a civilization have right to protect itself against barbari-
ans ( Auschwitz, Srebrenica, Zepa, Wednesday, SEP 02 1885, 8 AM).
The effect will be - after a time - preventive.
No Hitler, Stalin or Mao-Hell into tomorrows world !
No Saddam-Husein, Idi Amin or Khomaini-Hell into tomorrows world !
Mankind have right to live in peace with freedom (Enoch) !
Sir! We MUST do this, because - as Robert Jackson said - the world
cannot survive it being repeated !!!
Yours respectfully
The servant of Michael.
=== citat slut (letter 1997-01-21.USA) ====
This is the Bridge to the FUTURE, Sir!
The effect will be - after a time - preventive.
(Please, be my friend)
"USS Nimitz - verschollen ist"-Break:
(2005-11-14, CET 14:57)
- "Login."
I'm so glad to hear Your voice, my friend ...
Det er *naivt* at tro, at psykopater overholder civiliserede
spilleregler ...
0305 news:7144a.89530$Hl6.8231197@news010.worldonline.dk
> Nødvendigheden af at retsforfølge diverse massemordere.
- " ... (classified, code: Enoch) ... "
4542 news:hMV_e.69309$Fe7.233466@news000.worldonline.dk
> [ ... The Arrival, A Bride *must* smell good, Ca.4,11 ... ]
Coming up:
Re: Liv-2 hypotesen - det første bevis eller vranglære ? (The syntax of the
Animal-footsteps: Follow-me)
Den overordnede struktur-opbygning (Part no 1)
Link'ed to ...
4871 news:hgndf.148$Cl2.1197@news000.worldonline.dk
Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 5000 Danish Kr. (around 800 US $), jump ...
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(use perhaps
http://www.google.dk/grphp ). File-number: 4896