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hjälp med datum och tid
Fra : roger

Dato : 12-06-01 12:35

I am having a big problem with how to pick information from an
I have a database with following columns.
From date: From time: To date: To time:

All kolumns are in date/time format an I would like to pick out
information like
2001-05-25 at 07:00 will steven begin to work and end his work
at 2001-05-
28 06:59 and 2001-05-28 at 07:00 will sara begin to work and end
at 2001-
06-01 at 06:59 and so on.
What do I ´want to do??
I want that each person show up the webpage when they working and
just one
person at the time.
Today I write like this and it's workin but just with date and
when i put
in the time it all goes crazy(not working).

<%dim rs,recset,sql,connect,datum,tid
Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Connect.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" &
datum=formatDateTime(date, vBShortdate)
tid=formatDateTime(time, vBShorttime)
sql="select fnamn,enamn,foto,DatumFran,DatumTill from Datum inner
join VHI
on Datum.Vhiid=VHI.Vhiid WHERE DatumFran <= '"&datum&"' AND
>= '"&datum&"' ;"
set recset=connect.execute(sql)

can some please help me with this I would be so very happy.


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Morten F. Klausen (14-06-2001)
Fra : Morten F. Klausen

Dato : 14-06-01 09:47

Try for instance
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")

rs.Open "select Format(DATO,'dd/mm/yyyy') from TABLE", conn
rs.Open "select Format(DATO,'dd-mm-yyyy') from TABLE", conn
rs.Open "select Format(DATO,'dd.mm.yyyy') from TABLE", conn
but NOT
rs.Open "select DATO from TABLE", conn

Best Regards
Morten F. Klausen

"roger" <roger@weijmer.home.se> wrote in message
> HI
> I am having a big problem with how to pick information from an
> access
> database.
> I have a database with following columns.
> From date: From time: To date: To time:
> All kolumns are in date/time format an I would like to pick out
> specific
> information like
> 2001-05-25 at 07:00 will steven begin to work and end his work
> at 2001-05-
> 28 06:59 and 2001-05-28 at 07:00 will sara begin to work and end
> at 2001-
> 06-01 at 06:59 and so on.
> What do I ´want to do??
> I want that each person show up the webpage when they working and
> just one
> person at the time.
> Today I write like this and it's workin but just with date and
> when i put
> in the time it all goes crazy(not working).
> <%Response.buffer=true%>
> <%session.lcid=1053%>
> <%dim rs,recset,sql,connect,datum,tid
> Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> 'Connect.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" &
> Server.MapPath("Vhi.mdb")
> connect.open("vhi")
> datum=formatDateTime(date, vBShortdate)
> tid=formatDateTime(time, vBShorttime)
> sql="select fnamn,enamn,foto,DatumFran,DatumTill from Datum inner
> join VHI
> on Datum.Vhiid=VHI.Vhiid WHERE DatumFran <= '"&datum&"' AND
> DatumTill
> >= '"&datum&"' ;"
> set recset=connect.execute(sql)
> %>
> can some please help me with this I would be so very happy.
> Roger
> --
> Dette indlæg er sendt fra http://www.html.dk
> * Søg og læs i de danske nyhedsgrupper om webdesign
> * Tutorials og artikler om webdesign på dansk

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