Non Maskable Interrupt from (HQ) ...
(2005-10-01, CET 13:44, delay 0)
4543 news:x0W_e.69310$
=== citat start ===
BBC WORL(D) P108 Sat 01 Oct (2005, CET) 13:44:50
War crimes warnings over Darfur
The United Nations and UK have warned
of possible war crimes prosecutions
amid renewed violence in the troubled
Sudanese region of Darfur.
In the latest incident, 34 people were
reportedly killed by pro-government
Arab militias at a refugee camp.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan called
for an end to attacks, and for those
responsible to be brought to justice.
In London, minister Hilary Benn said
the International Criminal Court (ICC)
in The Hague was collecting evidence.
=== citat slut ====
Memory on:
1760 news:hv_9c.130025$
[ ... Genocide in Sudan ... ]
> En (af mange) sag(er) for den Internationale Domstol i Haag !!!
> Copy: International Court of Justice, The Hague
Thank You, Sir ...
And what about the rest ?
4541 news:7bR_e.69290$
> (complaints)
> 0558 news:td_qa.39115$
> 3925 news:OYR7e.112853$
> 4293 news:wdwye.58352$
> 4378 news:rZPWe.68021$
> (and *many* others)
Crime does NOT pay !
NMI-RETURN address:
(2005-10-01, CET 14:04, delay 0)
4543 news:x0W_e.69310$
With kind regards,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 5000 Danish Kr. (around 800 US $), jump ...
4193 news:3gpee.1412$
Info: 4382 news:WBSWe.68045$
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