""Per Rønne"" <spam@husumtoften.invalid> wrote in message
>I dagens JP kan man på:
> se et læserbrev, med følgende indhold:
> ==
> Offentliggjort 19. september 2005 03:00
> Grund til fordømmelse
> Den samme udvikling er foregået i Hebron og Jeriko og mange andre byer
> på Vestbredden. Den islamisk palæstinensiske kultur er i sin
> grundsubstans desværre ikke indstillet på tolerant sameksistens og fred
> for at sige det mildt.
> ==
> Er alt det rigtigt? Pogromerne på Vestbredden mod de kristne har jeg i
> hvert fald aldrig hørt om i den danske presse.
Her er en bid om det:
Muslim 'Palestinians' firebomb Christian 'Palestinians'
By Stan Goodenough
September 5th, 2005
Muslim Palestinian Arabs plundered a town of Christian Palestinian Arabs in
southern Samaria Sunday, setting houses and cars ablaze in an apparent
"revenge" attack after a Christian man dared to date a Muslim woman.
Christian families in the town of Taibe were forced into the streets, had
their homes firebombed, and had to flee to neighboring villages for
protection as the violence raged into the night.
No one was injured in the attack, despite the fact that the PA police took
hours to respond to calls for help, according to reports.
The crowd of Muslims descended on the town a few days after a Muslim woman
was allegedly killed by her family for having become involved in a
relationship with a Christian from Taibe. The offending woman was forced to
drink poison and then quickly buried earlier this week.
Islamic law forbids cross-religion relationships and imposes the strictest
penalties on Muslims who transgress. So-called honor killings - where
families kill members (usually women) accused of such "crimes" are
widespread in Arab countries.
In the Kingdom of Jordan, the law states that family members who carry out
honor killings are "totally exempt from sentence." Between 28 and 60 such
murders are estimated to take place annually in that country.
The Palestinian Authority also permits these killings, with up to 22 a year
reportedly taking place.
If the history of Muslim-Christian relations in Judea and Samaria is an
indication, the danger exists that Sunday's violence could trigger a
Christian exodus from yet another Christian-majority urban area in the land
slated for the creation of a Palestinian state.
The once Christian town of Bethlehem is today 95 percent Muslim, many
Christians having moved out after the Palestinian Authority took over the
ancient birthplace of Jesus just before Christmas in 1995.
Christian "Palestinians" form a tiny minority against the overwhelmingly
Muslim majority and under Islamic law and tradition, would have little
recourse to protection if accused of any crime by Muslims in a future
Palestinian state.
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