"Croc®" <sbm@pc.dk> wrote in message
> On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 09:56:09 +0200, Morten Snedker
> <morten.snedker@planprojekt.dk> wrote:
>>Ved ikke om jeg er landet i den rigtige gruppe, men forsøger nu
>>Jeg mangler eksempel på et eller flere lande, hvor kristne og muslimer
>>lever i fredelig sameksistens...?
> USA, Canada, Australien?
Hvad dælen, har de to procent muslimer ikke taget magten i de lande endnu
Iøvrigt må indlæggeren jo definere hvad han mener med "fredelig
sameksistens", nå fx ikke-muslimer i det helt moderne Malaysia bliver
diskrimineret, men livet går nogenlunde videre, er det så "fredelig
sameksistens". Når kristne bliver forfulgt i utallige muslimske lande inkl
vores prospektland Tyrkiet, er det så fredelig sameksistens når det ikke
drejer sig om daglige mord?
Her er iøvrigt en lang smøre om myten om de fredelige muslimer i
middelalderen, - fra en nyere bog:
Actually, 18th century Turkey was no interfaith utopia. In 1758, a
British ambassador noted that Sultan Mustafa III had non-Muslim
Christians and Jews executed for wearing banned clothing. In 1770,
another ambassador reported that Greeks, Armenians and Jews seen
outside their homes after dark were hanged. In 1785, a third noted that
Muslim mobs had dismantled churches after Christians had secretly
repaired them.
"The golden age of equal rights was a myth, and belief in it was a
result, more than a cause, of Jewish sympathy for Islam," Bernard Lewis
wrote in 1968 in the Encyclopedia of Islam. "The myth was invented in
19th century Europe as a reproach to Christians-and taken up by Muslims
in our own time as a reproach to Jews...."
Until the late 19th century, Jews in North Africa, Yemen and other
oriental Muslim lands, were obliged to live isolated, in special
quarters, and "were constrained to wear distinctive clothing." They
could not carry arms (including canes), and could not give sworn
testimony in Muslim jurisdictions. Even in 1968, an Egyptian sheikh
explained at Cairo's Islamic University of al-Azhar, "the Jews... are
dhimmis, people of obligation, who have betrayed the covenant in
conformity with which they have been accorded protection."
The International Institute of Islamic Thought was established in 1981
to Islamify Western history and thought. Western thinkers succumb to
jihad and dhimmitude when we refuse to identify the Turkish
perpetration of Armenian genocide, or (conversely) present
Andalusia-complete with harems, eunuchs, and Christian slaves-"as a
perfect model of multicultural societies for the West" to emulate in
the 21st century.
Only testimony can counter the pathological trends. Thus, Walid Phares
and Bat Ye'or tackle the forgotten tragedy of the Middle Eastern
Christians-10 to 12 million Egyptian Copts; 1.5 Lebanese Maronites,
Orthodox, Melkites and others; 7 million Anglican, Protestant and
Catholic southern Sudanese Africans; 1 million Christian Syrians; 1
million Iraqi Assyrians, Nestorians, Chaldeans, and Jacobites; 500,000
Iranian Persian, Armenian and Assyrian Christians; and perhaps 100,000
Christian Arab Palestinians. Patrick Sookhdeo and Mark Durie cover the
rise of anti-Christian persecutions in Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan and
Indonesia since Sept. 11, 2001.
Western failure to recognize this subservient condition, much less its
historical or contemporary results, has put democratic civilization in
danger. All this and much more in this book can help to turn the tide.
Hvor mange muslimer i verden mon kender deres egen historie versus kristne,
hinduer og jøder? en titusindedel promille? Man burde have et verdens TV-
hvor man præsenterede de sidste 1000 års historie, så 'næsten' alle folk
kunne se at de ikke har noget at lade andre høre.