En kristen libaneser fortæller i Frontpagemag om sine barske oplevelser
som kristen i Libanon. Hun ridser i den forbindelse Libanons nyere
historie op. Et flertal af landets indbyggere var engang kristne, men er
nu muslimer.
When Lebanon got its independence from France in the 40's the majority
of the population was Christian. We didn't have any enemies. We were
merchant, descendents of the Phoenicians, strong in commerce in which we
prospered. In no time Lebanon became the Paris of the Middle East the
banking capital of the Middle East. We were the only westernized Arabic
speaking country in the region.
The Christians in Lebanon always had problems with the Moslems, but we
never thought our neighbors would turn on us. That situation was
aggravated by the influx of the Palestinians coming from Jordan after
King Hussein kicked them out in Black September. That's what tipped the
scale in Lebanon. Not only had Moslems become the majority but they now
also felt empowered by the presence of the Palestinians and Yasser
Arafat wanting to attack the Christians, take over Lebanon and use it as
a base from which to attack Israel.
When the Moslems and Palestinians declared Jihad on the Christians in
1975 we didn't even know what that word meant. We had taken them into
our country, allowed them to study side by side with us, in our schools
and universities. We gave them jobs, shared with them our way of life.
We didn't realize the depth of their hatred to us as infidels. They
looked at us as the enemy not as neighbors, friends, employers and
A lot of Muslims pored in from other Muslim countries like Iran -- the
founder and supporter of Hezbollah, one of the leading terrorist
organizations in the world today. They came from Somalia, Sudan, Syria,
Jordan and Egypt. The Lebanese civil war was not between the Lebanese,
it was a holly war declared on the Christians by the Muslims of the
Middle East. .....
Læs hele hendes meget gribende historie i Front Page Magazine
Brigitte Gabriel som den kristne libaneser hedder, mener seriøst man på
TV bør vise hvordan muslimske fanatikere skærer hovedet af folk, for før
forstår folk i vesten ikke fundamentalisternes ondskab til bunds. Jeg er
lige ved at give hende ret.
Liberal, kongetro, EU-modstander og atomkraftmodstander.
Frihed under ansvar er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Støt Israel - køb Israelske varer!