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[VERY OT]: I need help to come in Denmark ~
Fra : andreatelatin@gmail.~

Dato : 23-07-05 18:29

Hello to everybody!

I'm very sorry to post to this NG, but I don't understand Danish and
kultur.film is one of the few titles I understud.
I'm am Italian student of Molecular Biology, and I have to go to
Roskilde Universitetcenter in late August for three months, and I'd
like some help in finding an accomodation (flat, hostel, ...).

In brief:
1) Could you, please, tell me a more appropriate newsgroup?
2) If you can help me, could you please send me some links to choose a
cheap accomodation (we are in two)?

Thank you very very much!
I'm looking forward to come in that beauty and cool (it's to hot here
;) country.

Andrea Telatin

Jens L Jensen (23-07-2005)
Fra : Jens L Jensen

Dato : 23-07-05 18:46

On 23 Jul 2005 10:29:17 -0700, andreatelatin@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello to everybody!
> I'm very sorry to post to this NG, but I don't understand Danish and
> kultur.film is one of the few titles I understud.
> I'm am Italian student of Molecular Biology, and I have to go to
> Roskilde Universitetcenter in late August for three months, and I'd
> like some help in finding an accomodation (flat, hostel, ...).
> In brief:
> 1) Could you, please, tell me a more appropriate newsgroup?
> 2) If you can help me, could you please send me some links to choose a
> cheap accomodation (we are in two)?
> Thank you very very much!
> I'm looking forward to come in that beauty and cool (it's to hot here
> ;) country.
> Andrea Telatin

Try this link http://www.ruc.dk/ruc_en/
In particular http://www.ruc.dk/ruc_en/studying/IntOffice/

The university should offer help to your problems.

A more suitable newsgroup would be dk.marked.privat.bolig but try at the
university first.

Jens Jensen.

Kevin Edelvang (24-07-2005)
Fra : Kevin Edelvang

Dato : 24-07-05 00:17

<andreatelatin@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse:

> In brief:
> 1) Could you, please, tell me a more appropriate newsgroup?

Ciao Andrea,

Puoi usare news:dk.velkommen (Cioè "dk.benvenuto"). Il gruppo è per domande
come questa.

> 2) If you can help me, could you please send me some links to choose a
> cheap accomodation (we are in two)?

Insomma... Non è facile trovare una casa a Copenaghen. Forse è meglio a
Roskilde. L'anno scorzo ho aiutato qualche stundente italiano con
accommodazione etc - facevo il "menthor" per studenti stranieri. Fammi
sapere sul e-mail se vi posso aiutare un po.

Kevin Edelvang - edelvang (at) gmail (dot) com

John Sahl (25-07-2005)
Fra : John Sahl

Dato : 25-07-05 16:50

Kevin Edelvang wrote:
> Saluti,
> Kevin Edelvang - edelvang (at) gmail (dot) com

Du glemte at skrive pralrøv i den signatur der

Når manden spørger på engelsk, kunne du vel svare på
samme sprog, om ikke andet, så for at os uden italienske
sproggaver, kunne sikre os at du ikke svinede ham til .

John Sahl,
www.bilstereobladet.dk / Lad der være lyd!

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