Rune <> skrev:
>Lige noget kvalitetsspam jeg fik i
>dag af hunhunden fra Fatah: Suha Arafat
>(eller i det mindste en der lader som
>om hun er den lille horetøs) - og så
>er det afsendt fra en adresse der
>ligger på, så jeg ved ikke om
>det er en joke eller en Nigerisk Scam?
>From: arafat suha
>To: undisclosed-recipients:
>Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 9:46 AM
>Subject: SUHA
>Dear friend,
>I seek your permission to introduce
>myself to you.
>I am Mrs Suha Arafat,wife of Yasser
>Arafat the late
>Palestinian ruler.
>Before the death of my husband,I had
>to close my swiss
>bank accounts and relocated the
>funds.I proceeded to
>deposit the money as valuables in
>different private
>Vaulting companies for safe
>keeping.This I did when the French Prosecutors
>started an inquiry into transfers I
>made into banks accounts I have in
>Please if you can assist in claiming
>this fund and
>investing it in your country,contact
>me as quickly
>as possible along with your full
>name,contact address
>and telephone number in order to give
>you the contact
>Information of the Vaulting company in Europe.
>At the successful collection of the
>fund,you shall be
>compensated with 30% of the amount
>collected,5% shall
>be set aside to pay for the expenses
>incurred in the
>process of the collection and the
>balance 65% shall be
>retained for the investment.
>I count on your absolute
>confidentiality while
>looking forward to your prompt reply.
>See this website for more information:
>Suha Arafat.
.... den er helt sikkert autentisk ... PLO har nemlig alle mulige
gode grunde til at holde financielle spins fortrolige ... ved at
spamme dem ud på internettet ...