> Vi savner sørme noget oprigtig "STAND FAST!"-disciplin her...
Da Hannibal stod med sin hær uden for Roms mure blev han meget misfornøjet
da han fik fortalt at den jord hans hær stod på lige var blevet handlet til
en meget god pris. Børsspekulanterne og især pressen kunne have brug for
lidt romersk stoicisme. I øvrigt har jeg ikke talt med nogen der er angste
er frygter. Folk er rasende - ikke bange.
Andrew Sullivan har nogle gode Britiske stoicisme:
" I'm in London today... was on my way to Covent Garden from Paddington when
they closed down the tube. I'm an ex-pat Brit (18 years in New York) who was
in the Big Apple for the World Trade Center attacks.
I've been alternating between home and down the pub since lunchtime, and in
my local the BBC news coverage is on one channel, while the cricket is on
another... England well on the way to beating the Aussies in a one-day
match. Coming from America, where sports commentators felt compelled to
litter their coverage of the most meaningless event with pious platitudes
and references to the attacks, it's quite remarkable... every now and again
Sky Sports runs a very subtle trailer on the screen advising people that
there has been an attack and they can watch the coverage of Sky News, but
the commentators have made almost no reference to the bombings.
No one has suggested that we stop playing cricket because of events in
London. No one has said, "Of course this game fades into insignifcance
compared to events in the real world." Nor has anyone offered up the inane
idea that if we stop playing cricket the terrorists will have won. The idea
of stopping the game appears not to have occurred to anyone, which I think
is wonderful and yet another example of the British stoicism of which you
write. It makes me resalize how much I've missed London.
They will, of course, break for tea."
" I tell you what, if this is an "Islamic" terrorist attack, they're doing a
piss-poor job. The pubs are all packed out, people sipping their pints
happily, all a tad pissed off, but basically fine with it. Nice one, Al
Quaeda - you profess to be from a teetotal religion, and you've given the
pub trade a massive mid-week boost."
"Work's over but there's little chance of getting home right now. Most of us
are just going to go to the pub until the traffic has died down. It's not
callousness or indifference to carry on as normal, it's quiet defiance."