"#2066" <neslein@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:428e0f32$0$78288$157c6196@dreader1.cybercity.dk...
>> "#2066" <neslein@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:c4cc8$428dd362$45c2b067$10737@nf5.news-service.com...
>>> "Knud Larsen" <larsen_knud@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:428d9b7e$0$78283$157c6196@dreader1.cybercity.dk...
>>>> "#2066" <neslein@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:17986$428d247d$45c2b067$17157@nf5.news-service.com...
>>>>> "G B" <nonono@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>>>>> news:428d009e$0$224$edfadb0f@dread11.news.tele.dk...
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> "How much easier is self-sacrifice than self-realization." Eric
>>>>>> Hoffer
>>>>>> Med venlig hilsen
>>>>>> GB
>>>>> Molly Ivins 5.17.05
>>>>> Don't blame Newsweek
>>>>> Despite sloppiness, Newsweek didn't fabricate Koran story
>>>>> Slutning:
>>>>> So where does all this leave us? With a story that is not only true,
>>>>> but previously reported numerous times. So let's drop the "Lynch
>>>>> Newsweek" bull. Seventeen people have died in these riots. They didn't
>>>>> die because of anything Newsweek did -- the riots were caused by what
>>>>> our government has done.
>>>>> Get your minds around it. Our country is guilty of torture. To quote
>>>>> myself once more: "What are you going to do about this? It's your
>>>>> country, your money, your government. You own this country, you run
>>>>> it,
>>>>> you are the board of directors. They are doing this in your name. The
>>>>> people we elected to public office do what you want them to. Perhaps
>>>>> you should get in touch with them."
>>>> USA kan formodentlig dømmes for tortur mod Koraner, stakkels bøger.
>>> "Prisoners were hanged for hours or days from bars or doors in
>>> semi-crucifixions; they were repeatedly beaten unconscious, woken and
>>> then beaten again for days on end; they were sodomized; they were
>>> urinated on, kicked in the head, had their ribs broken, and were
>>> subjected to electric shocks."
>> Hvorfor mon den danske Gitmo-fange ikke beretter om sådanne ting?
> Maaske fordi de amerikanske myndigheder ikke mente det paatraengende
> noedvendigt at invitere den paagaeldende som officielt vidne for Knud
> Larsen, Danmark, til enhver tortursession de udfoerte verden over?