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Løndahl og Smidt families
Fra : PLondahlsmid@lexcomi~

Dato : 18-05-05 13:25

I just discovered your site and apoligize for using English but I don't
speak Danish. My father emigrated from Denmark to the USA in 1925. I
am researching the Smidt family of Svendborg and the Løndahl family of
Faaborg, Svendborg. I have traced Joachim Bernhard Smidt to Sweden.
He came to Denmark in 1859 and became a Danish citizen in 1905. Does
anyone have any idea as to why it took him so long to become a Danish
citizen. Was there any laws that prevented him from becoming a Dane
until 1905? Tusind Tak.

Paul Londahl-Smidt
North Carolina, USA

Thorkild Dalsgaard (19-05-2005)
Fra : Thorkild Dalsgaard

Dato : 19-05-05 19:16

<PLondahlsmid@lexcominc.net> wrote
I just discovered your site and apoligize for using English but I don't
speak Danish. My father emigrated from Denmark to the USA in 1925. I
am researching the Smidt family of Svendborg and the Løndahl family of
Faaborg, Svendborg. I have traced Joachim Bernhard Smidt to Sweden.
He came to Denmark in 1859 and became a Danish citizen in 1905. Does
anyone have any idea as to why it took him so long to become a Danish
citizen. Was there any laws that prevented him from becoming a Dane
until 1905? Tusind Tak.

Paul Londahl-Smidt
Please ask in this group:

Find your relatives in Denmark
In this forum family history researchers who do not speak danish can ask for
help, whether for finding information on ancestors or for getting into contact
with relatives or descendants in Denmark.


Thorkild Dalsgaard

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