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I´m very sorry guys!
Fra : Bente S?rensen

Dato : 24-03-05 20:36

Looks like I pissed a few people off eh?
Well, I´d like to offer my sincere apologies to you guys, and didn´t
realise that I would offend you all so much.
I must admit, I don´t make a habit of visiting the newsgroups(as you
probably realise now!!( and was not aware that I was doing anything
I certainly will NOT be getting my wife to do this again, I can
assure you.
If I can just explain myself briefly and give you some FACTS
Yes, I do have a company called Food From Home and we have just begun
to sell Weightwatchers products on our website. Sounds like a poor
excuse, but it wa actually my danish wife that put me up to it!!
Reason is, that she HAS actually lost 13kg on the Weightwatchers Diet,
and thought I should try and spread the word to other members.
To be honest, I stumbled across the news groups by sheer chance, and
thought..........ah, why not!
What a bloody mistake to make!
All i want to do, is to be able to pass on the word to any other
Weightwatchers Members.If you are, or have been a WW member in the
past, you´ll understand what it means to be able to buy from such a
great selection of WW foods. They´re all available in the UK, but not
in Denmark.
Before I finish, I´d just like to ask any of you, HOW do I contact the
right people and pass on the word?
Can I post a "Reklame", aimed at WW members? or what?
If any of you have any suggestions that won´t piss anyone off, then
I´d like to hear them ok?
Once again, I´m VERY sorry if I offended any of you. It was all done
with the best intentions

Have a happy Easter
Best Regards
David Darlington

Jens Bruun (24-03-2005)
Fra : Jens Bruun

Dato : 24-03-05 22:02

"Bente S?rensen" <dave@cdpool.dk> skrev i en meddelelse

[klip en masse bræk]

Det var dråben. Klage afsendt til abuse@post.tele.dk.

-Jens B.
http://www.fotolog.dk - My photo diary (Last updated 03/19/05)
http://gallery.bruun.com/index.php?cat=10003 - My photo gallery

Q (24-03-2005)
Fra : Q

Dato : 24-03-05 22:35

"Jens Bruun" <bruun_jens@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "Bente S?rensen" <dave@cdpool.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:c99f90c4.0503241136.32092a2b@posting.google.com
> [klip en masse bræk]
> Det var dråben. Klage afsendt til abuse@post.tele.dk.

Husk spamdk@fs Prik DK
+ en mail til hans Hostingfirma ( Dandomain )

Spammere skal dø!

/peter, som lige har skudt en mail afsted

Stefan Holm (24-03-2005)
Fra : Stefan Holm

Dato : 24-03-05 23:22

"Jens Bruun" <bruun_jens@hotmail.com> writes:

> [klip en masse bræk]

Ja, det er gonnåk ikke for fikst at forsøge at reklamere lidt mere i
en undskyldning for at spamme.

Stefan Holm
"The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and there are flying cars."

Q (24-03-2005)
Fra : Q

Dato : 24-03-05 22:33

"Bente S?rensen" <dave@cdpool.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Looks like I pissed a few people off eh?
> Well, I´d like to offer my sincere apologies to you guys, and didn´t
> realise that I would offend you all so much.

Well.. It must be confusing being both male and female at the same time...

> I must admit, I don´t make a habit of visiting the newsgroups(as you
> probably realise now!!( and was not aware that I was doing anything
> "wrong".

Do you make it a habit to spam the newsgroups you DO visit ?..

> I certainly will NOT be getting my wife to do this again, I can
> assure you.

How the H*ll can we be sure you even have a wife?
What does she ( if she exists ) think of you discussing her weight problems
in public?..

Most women I know wouldnt be too thrilled of that happening..

> If I can just explain myself briefly and give you some FACTS
> Yes, I do have a company called Food From Home and we have just begun
> to sell Weightwatchers products on our website. Sounds like a poor
> excuse, but it wa actually my danish wife that put me up to it!!

The fact that your ( maybe real, maybe not ) wife is danish doesnt make you
a better person..

> Reason is, that she HAS actually lost 13kg on the Weightwatchers Diet,
> and thought I should try and spread the word to other members

Just because this newsgroup is about food and drink doesnt mean that
everyone is on a diet and therefore interested in lame promotion..

> To be honest, I stumbled across the news groups by sheer chance, and
> thought..........ah, why not!
> What a bloody mistake to make!

Indeed... Have you read your Internet providers policy on spam?..

> All i want to do, is to be able to pass on the word to any other
> Weightwatchers Members.If you are, or have been a WW member in the
> past, you´ll understand what it means to be able to buy from such a
> great selection of WW foods. They´re all available in the UK, but not
> in Denmark.

I'd rather be eating napkins than eat diet products distributed by a spammer

> Before I finish, I´d just like to ask any of you, HOW do I contact the
> right people and pass on the word?
> Can I post a "Reklame", aimed at WW members? or what?

Newspapers, but a cheapskate spammer like you probably refuse to pay the

> If any of you have any suggestions that won´t piss anyone off, then
> I´d like to hear them ok?

One suggestion: Make like a tree, and get the f*ck out of here ( quote from
the movie Boondock Saints )

> Once again, I´m VERY sorry if I offended any of you. It was all done
> with the best intentions

I seriously doubt that... You did this with the intention of making money
from fat people


JSM (25-03-2005)
Fra : JSM

Dato : 25-03-05 14:24

"Bente S?rensen" <dave@cdpool.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Looks like I pissed a few people off eh?

Imponerende at du selv kan se det.

> Well, I´d like to offer my sincere apologies to you guys, and didn´t
> realise that I would offend you all so much.
> I must admit, I don´t make a habit of visiting the newsgroups(as you
> probably realise now!!( and was not aware that I was doing anything
> "wrong".

Du vidste ikke du gjorde noget forkert.... Yeah right. Hvorfor forsøgte du
så at camouflere din rekvalme som et indlæg fra en der "helt tilfældigt" var
faldet over din side. Sincere min bare røv. Du er sgu da kun ked af at du
blev opdaget.

> I certainly will NOT be getting my wife to do this again, I can
> assure you.

Nåååååh. Lille uskyldige pussergøj. .Det er slet ikke dig men din kone som
spammer. Bwaahhahahahha.

> If I can just <Snip endnu engang rekvalme>

Tror du selv du kan bestå den indledende prøve til hjernedødskriteriet ? Så
fat det dog ! Dine rekvalmer lige så velkomne her i gruppen som en
chili-prut i en dykkerklokke. Og det bliver ikke bedre af at du gentager

> If any of you have any suggestions that won´t piss anyone off, then
> I´d like to hear them ok?

Rejs hjem til england var det første der faldt mig ind .

> Once again, I´m VERY sorry if I offended any of you. It was all done
> with the best intentions
Jeg havde _måske_ troet på dig hvis ikke lige jeg havde læst dit svar til
Jeppe Vestergaard. Dit svar til ham er i tone og indhold så forskelligt fra
du skriver nu, at jeg ikke mener man kan tro en hujende fis på dig. Du
undskylder jo kun fordi du har et spinkelt håb om at det måske kan redde en
lille af din flossede troværdighed. Jeg køber den ikke. Klage sendt til


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