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FS: Apple / Mac Historical Videos - DVDs 1~
Fra : Apple History

Dato : 09-03-05 19:12

this may interest some... plenty of lost clips covering apple's
colorful history. see below for full descriptions...

they are all full screen, not little quicktime movies.


these and other Apple History DVDs are always here:


on ebay via buy it now:

on ebay via current auction:


Apple Historical DVDs - Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Apple Historical DVD 1 has 65 minutes of truly interesting video
covering the Late Apple // and Early Macintosh years. Most all of this
footage has never been seen by the general public.

Chapters Include:

Time Capsule recorded in 1987, looking into the future of 1997. Woz,
Yocam, Sculley, Spindler. (funny, interesting!)

Our Engineers, behind the curtain, circa 1989.

Personal Best: The Macintosh in Business, College, Elementary Settings.

Golden Age Mac Advertisements. Golden Age Apple II Advertisements. Joke
by Jean Louis Gassee.

Additional Knowledge Navigator Clips

Apple II Business Graphics - A real eye opener!

Hinduism and the Macintosh.

Apple Europe - The Picture Show - Mac Classic, LC, Early PowerBook Era
- Interesting!

Clips by John Sculley, Alan Kay.

Slick Flat Panel Macintoshes, Speech Based OS

Ray Bradbury on the Future of Computing.


Apple Historical DVD 2 has 70 minutes of truly interesting video
covering Early Apple to Futuristic Apple Visions.

Chapters Include:

Apple's Moment of Birth... An emergency call from Cramer Electronics to
Paul Terrell owner of the budding "The Byte Shop", wanting to know if it
was okay to sell raw components to "Two Guys" to build 50 Apple /'s.

One reason Apple got it's name, "it put us ahead of Atari in the
phonebook" says a laughing Steve Jobs.

Colored Apple //s - Apple never shipped them, but had plans for colored
//s similar to the iMacs.

Why we created Macintosh by Burrell Smith, Andy Hertzfeld, George Crow,
Mike Murry and Bill Atkinson. (interesting!)

Demonstration of the 128K Mac from 1983.

The Macintosh Factory

Macintosh joins our 32-Bit Family, by Steve Jobs

A very young Bill Gates proclaims: "Macintosh will be half our retail
sales next year" and "Microsoft doesn't work with new hardware very

Apple Electronic Binoculars

Extended Version of Knowledge Navigator

Early Flat Panel Macintoshes

The Fabled Macintosh Tablet

Touch Screens and Object Based OSes


Apple Historical DVD 3 has 80 minutes of truly interesting video
covering the Early to Middle Macintosh years.

Chapters Include:

Macintosh User Interface Philosophy. Comments and Video Examples by Don
Norman, Bruce Tognazzini, Larry Tesler and Alan Kay of Apple's Human
Interface Group. Quite interesting, these same ideas live today in a
Modern Macintosh.

Beginner's Luck: A large number of Families and Individuals give their
views on first experiences using an Apple // or Macintosh. Funny!

Introduction of the Mac Portable: Just as the Apple / and Lisa paved
the way for later Apple innovations, the Mac Portable laid the ground
work for today's iBook and PowerBook. Colorful Jean-Louis Gassee builds
a Portable LIVE on stage, explains "Battery Paranoia" and design choices
needed to build the first "luggable" Macintosh.

Macintosh on the Move: A funny spoof on the complexities, trials and
tribulations of creating the first battery powered Mac. Inside Jokes

Apple 1989 Product Review: A very fast look at every product Apple
introduced that year. Some inside jokes, can you figure them out?

The History of Publishing told by BBC's James Burke. A mini documentary
on how Apple fits into the latest stage of Publishing using a timeline
based from the 1430's. Very Well Done.

Programming: A polished looked at the Mac Toolbox, API's, Networking,
AppleTalk, etc. Comments from the Inventor of AppleTalk. If you write
software for the Mac, these early clips explain the core of programing
on the Macintosh.

Introduction of HyperCard in a "News Flash" style report. Bill Atkinson
is interviewed and tells of his vision for HyperCard. Chris Espinosa
makes an appearance as HyperCard Product Manager. Ideas on possible 3D
HyperCard interfaces are shown.


Apple Historical DVD 4 has 98 minutes of truly interesting video
covering the Middle Macintosh years.

Chapters Include:

A/UX: The Introduction of UNIX to the Macintosh world, circa 1988.
Sculley gives a somewhat dry speech, but foretells Apple's OS strategy
some 12 years before OSX appears. He mentions the work of Ted Nelson,
talks about SketchPad, HyperText, SmallTalk and the idea of HyperCard
for Unix believe it or not.

Macintosh + Mathmatica = Infinity: Steven Wolfram of Mathematica fame
shows and talks about how the Macintosh will transform Mathematics.
Fairly Geeky, but interesting to some.

Design and the Macintosh, Domino's Pizza and the Macintosh, ABC News
and the Macintosh. Various Clips showing unique ways to use a Mac.

Gil Amielio talks about Apple 1 month into his tenure. Love him or hate
him, this approx 10 minute clip will give you a new perspective on the
difficulties Apple experienced some 8 years ago. John Sculley answers
User Group Questions, such as: "What is the future of the Apple II in
Education and the Home?" Kinda fun. Alan Loren, on Macintosh Marketing.

Full length version of John Sculley's Knowledge Navigator.

The Business of Education: How Macs can work in School Administration.

Apple II Video Overlay: VERY early look at where programs like iMovie
originated. Yes, the Apple II could produce Videos.

Introduction of the Mac IIcx & Full Page Monitor: The ever funny
Jean-Louis Gassee hosts another building of a Mac on stage, Sculley is
there to show his pride and joy, the first single page Mono Monitor.
Larry Tesler of the Advanced Technology Group speaks on the Design
Principles behind Macintosh Hardware. Interesting!


Apple Historical DVD 5 has 102 minutes of truly interesting video
covering the Early to Middle Macintosh years.

Chapters Include:

Apple introduces the popular PowerBook 100, 140, 170. A look into the
complex engineering that went into these models... mockups, pencil
drawings, comments on SONY building the PowerBook 100. Items like the
introduction of the palm-rest, keyboards we use today are discussed.
Employee Intro where new features are shown. Funny!

Macs in Space. A quick clip of how the 1.4MB SuperDrive reacts in
Space. Great stuff!

Early Mac Animations. In 1988, Apple was eager to show off the graphics
power of its 68020 line of computers. First up, a group of talented
artists produced "Pencil Test," an animated short created entirely on a
Macintosh II. Animations: Tempest, Her Majesty's Secret Serpent, Pigment
Promenade, The Audition and Splash Dance are also shown. John Lasseter
and Andrew Stanton of Pixar fame are listed in the credits.

Steve Wozniak along with David Cram discuss ESD, (electrostatic
discharge), in a rather entertaining video about how static electricity
can harm Service Parts. Good for teaching on this subject, one of the
BEST. Not as boring as it sounds!

Mac vs. PC. In a well done feature, Apple goes head to head with OS/2
and early Windows. Many of the comparisons hold true today. It's quite
an eye opening video, fun to watch.

Macintoshes building Macintoshes. Apple's pride and joy, the
$20-million, ultra modern Fremont facility where many early Macs were
made. Shows the Mac SE and Mac II being built, tour of entire plant.
Processes and testing to make each logicboard, etc. This factory can
produce one Mac every 27 seconds. Interesting!


Apple Historical DVD 6 has 94 minutes of truly interesting video
covering the Middle Macintosh years.

Chapters Include:

The Making of "1984". Rather amazing video covering the behind the
scenes work of Apple's famous 1984 commercial. Lee Clow of Chiat/Day
talks of his first visit with Burrell, Andy and Steve. Ridley Scott of
Blade Runner and BBC fame is interviewed on how it was filmed, how they
hired 150 skinheads, how they arrived at using an Athlete for the
Sledgehammer toss, at... "Karl Marx". Other great info, they bought
three Airplanes, then dismantled them for props, 747 engines are on the
back walls, also notice the Mac Introduction was scheduled for January
19th, not January 24th. Filmed at Sheperton Studios, London. Full Screen
Versions of 1984. Exceedingly Interesting.

The late Douglas Adams gives us a tour of the recently announced
PowerBook Duo. He begins with his vision of a computing device he
concieved for Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy, then walks us through how
the new Duo has become this device. Well done by a famous Mac User.

Several 3-4 minute clips on US West, Pizza Hut, FedEx and Allied
Signal. Circa about 1988 when the GUI was still new inside large
corporations. Early eMail, funny! Filmed with typical Apple flare.

Historic agreement between Apple, IBM and Motorola (AIM) All the
characters are there, Sculley, Spindler, Kalida & Taligent. Part PowerPC
microprocessor plan. Part a plan to build a next generation
microcomputer operating system. This new OS was to run on any hardware
platform. It was also to be completely object-oriented from the ground
up. The PowerPC portion lives on to this day.

1997 MacWorld Boston Keynote. A pivotal moment in Apple's history.
Steve has returned, the existing Board of Directors has been let go,
Steve makes peace with Microsoft, Bill Gates is tricked into appearing
as George Orwell on a huge screen... to Boos and Hisses by the audience.
Great stuff!

Stylish Interviews with new Board Members:

Ed Woolard, Gareth Chang, Larry Ellison, Jerry York, Bill Campbell

This is Steve Jobs at his very best, Think Different campaign begins,
the Color Apple Logo is still alive.


These 6 DVDs are Regionless and will work worldwide in any DVD Player.

order direct for $75 - send inquiry to: amcintosh @ mac.com
(which includes first class shipping worldwide) or via eBay at the above
links. Thanks!

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