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Fra : Jeppe Madsen

Dato : 01-04-05 09:36
Peter Jensen (01-04-2005)
Fra : Peter Jensen

Dato : 01-04-05 09:52

Jeppe Madsen wrote:

> http://www.nature.com/news/2005/050328/full/050328-10.html

"Floating Optical Orbital Lens" ... good one!

Et par specielt interessante citater (for sci-fi fans):

Tycho crater, the youngest large-impact crater on the Moon's nearside,
is particularly badly affected. The erosion has already revealed a large
slab of jet-black rock deep in the crater, which has unusual magnetic
properties. "We hope to send a manned expedition to investigate," says
Haywood Floyd, a senior official with the Canadian National Council of
Aeronautics, Newfoundland.


John Koenig, director of Moonbase Alpha, a US project to establish a
habitable colony on the Moon, insists that there is absolutely nothing
to worry about. "There's absolutely nothing to worry about," he told
news_at_nature.com. "Do you really think we would invest in building a
base on prime interplanetary real estate that is evaporating?"


I can't die until the government finds a safe place to bury my liver.
      -- Phil Harris

Saxtorph (01-04-2005)
Fra : Saxtorph

Dato : 01-04-05 10:47

Det må vist være en aprilsnar


"Jeppe Madsen" <pjm@symbiona.ki.ku.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> der var ingen der så det...
> http://www.nature.com/news/2005/050328/full/050328-10.html

viidal@gmail.com (01-04-2005)
Fra : viidal@gmail.com

Dato : 01-04-05 12:53

Jeppe Madsen wrote:
> der var ingen der så det...
> http://www.nature.com/news/2005/050328/full/050328-10.html

Hehe, det er da et godt tidspunkt, det sker på-

Venlig hilsen,

Villy Dalsgaard

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