Jan Rasmussen wrote:
> One-Time GOP Insider Claims He Has Sept. 11 'Smoking Gun'
> A former Republican Party insider turned Bush basher thinks
> he has stumbled across what may be the "smoking gun,
> " proving the U.S. government's official story about the
> WTC attacks is an "unequivocal lie."
> But who cares , Mary er gravid,,
> Jan Rasmussen
"Schwarz admits he had a “whole lot” of luck when running across the
video footage in a French foreign film entitled The Barbarian Invasion.
Contained in the film unrelated to 9-11, is a 1 minute, 52 second, video
segment, shot by an unknown amateur photographer at the WTC, which
Schwartz says clearly shows a Boeing 737 airliner striking the south tower.
“We tracked down the filmmaker and he acquired the original WTC segment
from the Canadian News Service,” said Schwarz, adding that he has had
the tape analyzed by experts proving it’s not a fake. “We are tracking
down the original photographer and want to get to him before the
government does in order to prove its authenticity.
“This segment, however, conclusively shows a 737 hit the south tower,
not a 767 as previously reported. This in itself should be the smoking
gun, which proves the whole story given to us by the government about
9-11 is untrue.”
Originally, the government claimed the second jetliner en route to Los
Angeles was a Boeing 767. However, Schwarz said the video will not only
show the airline dimensions to be those of a 737, but that he also has
evidence that the engine recovered in the WTC wreckage was a model type
CFM56, which propels a 737, not a 767."
Det er nok det mest pisseuduelige usammenhængende konspirationsparanoide
flynørdsindavlede petitessevrøvl, jeg længe har hørt i forbindelse med
11/9: Skal dèt - for alle andre end netop navlepillende neuroseramte
nørder - uendeligt ligegyldige faktum, at der muligvis er nogen, der har
forvekslet to Boieng-flytyper (som begge har en motor på hver vinge og
derfor kan ligne hinanden), nu tages som "bevis for regeringens
I så fald er det vist på tide at du - og sidens bagmand - stærkt
overvejer seriøs kolbøttemedicin...
Anders Peter Johnsen