Fra 'The Counterterrorism Blog' kommer denne historie:
The Ansar al-Sunnah Army in Iraq has released a new full-length
propaganda film titled 'Purification of the Soul.' Among other items of
note, the video features extensive, previously-unseen footage of Ansar
al-Sunnah insurgent training camps in Iraq, ambush attacks on civilian
contractor vehicles entering Baghdad, and even the indoctrination and
combat training of child recruits for the militant group.(...)
Separately, the Islamic Army of Iraq (IAI) has released video footage of
several recent military operations in and around the Iraqi capital
Baghdad (...)
De har videoerne liggende ovre på bloggen, så smut over og se det.
Notér de temmeligt fremtrædende religiøse betegnelser på grupperne bag;
det kan undre at nogen regner formørkede stenaldermænd som folkelige og
legitime og frihedsorienterede modstandsfolk.
"Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely
helps them to deceive themselves." Eric Hoffer
Med venlig hilsen