<thecom2005@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Mvh
> TheCom
> Blindly Backing Israel Against Iran
> by Gordon Prather
> Well, that tears it. First we had Dick Cheney - the most powerful
> Vice-President we've ever had - nonchalantly tell a radio talk-show
> host just hours before the Bush-Cheney second inaugural:
> "Well, one of the concerns people have is that Israel might do it [that
> is, attack and destroy Iran's IAEA-safeguarded facilities] without
> being asked; that if, in fact, the Israelis became convinced the
> Iranians had significant nuclear capability - given the fact that
> Iran has a stated policy that their objective is the destruction of
> Israel - the Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the
> rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess
> afterwards."
> Immediately a worried world wanted to know - was Cheney encouraging
> the Israelis to attack Iran's safeguarded facilities or warning them
> not to?
> Now comes George Bush - the most powerful president the most powerful
> nation on earth has ever had - to explicate his vice president's
> ambiguous remark:
> "Clearly, if I was the leader of Israel and I'd listened to some of the
> statements by the Iranian ayatollahs that regarded the security of my
> country, I'd be concerned about Iran having a nuclear weapon as well.
> And, in that Israel is our ally - and in that we've made a very
> strong commitment to support Israel - we will support Israel if her
> security is threatened."
> But after making such threats, Bush and Cheney and Condi and Bolton
> invariably proceed to say they'd prefer a "diplomatic solution" -
> dictated to the Iranians by the Likudniks - to the nuclear crisis in
> Iran.
> Of course, no one except the Likudniks believe that there is a nuclear
> crisis in Iran. Certainly Mohamed ElBaradei - Director General of the
> International Atomic Energy Agency - doesn't believe it.
> Iran volunteered back in 2003 to give the IAEA approximately the same
> go-anywhere see-anything authority that the UN Security Council had
> required of Iraq. Hence, the IAEA has been able to verify that all
> Iran's "special nuclear materials" and activities involving the
> physical or chemical transformation of those materials, have been made
> subject to Iran's IAEA Safeguards Agreement.
> Furthermore, in recent interviews, ElBaradei has stated unequivocally
> that he has found no evidence whatsoever of an Iranian nuclear weapons
> program - past, present or future.
> Of course, ElBaradei made similar pronouncements about the absence of a
> nuke program in Iraq in the days, weeks and months preceding Bush's
> pre-emptive invasion to destroy "it." ElBaradei has since been shown to
> have been absolutely right on Iraq and the Likudniks absolutely wrong.
> Hence, Bush and his underlings ought to be - but apparently aren't
> - a bit chastened about Iran.
> One Bush underling - David Kay - has been more than chastened by
> his experience as chief of the Iraq Survey Group.
> The ISG - established in June, 2003, by Director of Central
> Intelligence George Tenet - comprised about two thousand weapon
> scientists, engineers and intelligence experts and was given the
> responsibility to determine whether of not Saddam actually had weapons
> of mass destruction on the eve of Bush's pre-emptive invasion, and if
> he did, what happened to them.
> Kay had worked from 1983 to 1991 for Hans Blix when Blix was IAEA
> Director General.
> Nevertheless, in the weeks and months before Bush launched his
> ill-advised attack on Iraq, Kay had appeared on TV and before
> Congressional Committees, supporting Tenet's 2002 National Intelligence
> Estimate on Iraqi WMD, and trash-talking Blix and ElBaradei.
> Kay resigned as chief of the ISG in January, 2004, telling Congress
> that Saddam's WND didn't exist and that "nearly all of us have been
> wrong."
> Then, last month, Kay issued a warning entitled "Let's Not Make the
> Same Mistakes in Iran."
> Kay was particularly concerned that "Vice President Cheney is giving
> interviews and speeches that paint a stark picture of a
> soon-to-be-nuclear-armed Iran and declaring that this is something the
> Bush administration will not tolerate."
> And - Lord help us - Kay issued that warning before Bush's
> explication of Cheney's remarks.
Hvad er din kommentar til dit indlæg som oplæg til en diskussion ?
Kim Larsen
Socialist, republikaner, EU-tilhænger og atomkraftmodstander.
Socialisme er den eneste troværdige vej frem.
Husk at krigen i Irak er folkeretligt smask-ulovlig.
Direkte e-mail: kl2607x@yahoo.dk (fjern x´et)