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World of warcraft account problem
Fra : Connor

Dato : 04-03-05 22:50

Nogen der har været ude for flg. og løst problemet.
Købte spillet fredag. installerede og oprettede en account. Efter 2. patch
var installeret kom flg. meddelelse: Sorry you entered an ivalid username or
password. Please try again.
Det samme på deres webside for account managing. Deres account server vil
hverken kendes ved accountname eller emailadr. for at recieve password. Det
er heller ikke muligt at oprette en ny account da reg. key allerede er i
brug. Så jeg har slet ikke være inde at spille endnu. Jeg har endda haft min
pc ovre hos en kammerat, hvor de sidder 2 prs. på samme netværk og spiller.
De kan logge på med deres accounts på min maskine. Inde på WOW's forum har
jeg læst at der er andre med samme problem der er lige så frustrede som jeg
og som ikke ved hvad de skal gøre. Der er jo lukket for support hele
weekenden og på hverdage i åbningstiden får man bare en robotstemme der
siger man skal ringe igen. Een enkelt inde på WOW's forum var så heldig at
få svar på en mail han sendte til techsupport. Han blev henvist til
telefonnummeret med robotstemmen. Andre end mig.?


Connor (04-03-2005)
Fra : Connor

Dato : 04-03-05 22:56

Wauv.. Har lige fået det her:

Thank you for emailing World of Warcraft Billing and Account Services! This
is an automated response to let you know we have received your message.
Please do not reply to this email; a response to your message will be sent
to you as soon as possible. Normal email response time is less than 24
hours, excluding weekends and holidays. Our normal business hours are Monday
through Friday, 9am to 6pm Pacific Time.

In the meantime, we offer other forms of support that are immediately
available to you while we process your email.
Website Support:

A wide variety of Billing and Account answers are available on our web site
at: http://www.blizzard.com/support/wowbilling/
The World of Warcraft Billing support page is constantly being updated with
new information!
Server Status Forum:

If you cannot log onto World of Warcraft, you may want to check the Server
Status Forum for current maintenance downtime and information at:
Live Billing and Account Services Phone Support:

You can also reach our Billing and Account Services Representatives at:
Phone Number: (800) 59-BLIZZARD or (800-592-5499)

Live support is offered Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm Pacific Time,
excluding holidays. This form of support is offered at no cost to you from
Blizzard Entertainment.

Due to peak workloads, Billing and Account Services may be available during
extended hours.
Live Technical Phone Support:

You can also reach our Technical Support Representatives at:
Phone Number: (949) 955-1382
Live support is offered Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm Pacific Time,
excluding holidays. This form of support is offered at no cost to you from
Blizzard Entertainment, though long-distance charges from your phone company
may still apply.
Automated Phone Support:

If you do not wish to wait for our email response, you can reach our
automated phone support at:
Phone Number: (800) 59-BLIZZARD (800-592-5499)
This is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To access automated support dial (800) 592-5499, and press 1 when you hear
the message.
Game Masters:

Game Masters (GMs) are Blizzard Entertainment personnel that are available
in-game to assist you with your gameplay related questions, problems, etc.
Learn more about Game Masters, including how to contact them at
Account Name and Password Recovery:

If you need assistance recovering your World of Warcraft account name or
password, our Account and Password Retrieval page can be found at:

Our Billing and Account Services team will also be available to assist you
with account and password recovery from 9 am to 6 pm Monday thru Friday
Pacific Time at:

(800) 59-BLIZZARD or (800-592-5499)
Reporting Hacks:

If you would like to report hacks or websites distributing them, please
contact us at hacks@blizzard.com and provide as much information as

Best regards,
World of Warcraft Billing and Account Services Team
Blizzard Entertainment

*Emails to our Billing and Account Services department may not receive a
response for the following reasons:
- Use of profanity
- Spamming (sending the same email multiple times)
- Attachments containing viruses (these are deleted automatically)
- The message is a form of feedback or comment which does not require or
request a reply

Simon [2700] (06-03-2005)
Fra : Simon [2700]

Dato : 06-03-05 13:10

der står på deres site, at der var login problemer på 25% af serverne og at
de rettede fejlen med det samme...

"Connor" <ingen@mail.adr> wrote in message
> Nogen der har været ude for flg. og løst problemet.
> Købte spillet fredag. installerede og oprettede en account. Efter 2. patch
> var installeret kom flg. meddelelse: Sorry you entered an ivalid username
> or password. Please try again.
> Det samme på deres webside for account managing. Deres account server vil
> hverken kendes ved accountname eller emailadr. for at recieve password.
> Det er heller ikke muligt at oprette en ny account da reg. key allerede er
> i brug. Så jeg har slet ikke være inde at spille endnu. Jeg har endda haft
> min pc ovre hos en kammerat, hvor de sidder 2 prs. på samme netværk og
> spiller. De kan logge på med deres accounts på min maskine. Inde på WOW's
> forum har jeg læst at der er andre med samme problem der er lige så
> frustrede som jeg og som ikke ved hvad de skal gøre. Der er jo lukket for
> support hele weekenden og på hverdage i åbningstiden får man bare en
> robotstemme der siger man skal ringe igen. Een enkelt inde på WOW's forum
> var så heldig at få svar på en mail han sendte til techsupport. Han blev
> henvist til telefonnummeret med robotstemmen. Andre end mig.?
> M.v.h

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