 | Sabellianisme Fra : Per Rønne |
Dato : 26-12-04 01:34 |
Jeg sidder og ser på en artikel i Encyclopædia Britannica on DVD 2005,
hvoraf det fremgår at kætteren Sabellius levede i årene ca. 217-ca.220,
og undrer mig lidt over at en dreng, der kun blev cirka 3 år gammel, kan
have vakt så meget kontrovers:
Christian heresy that was a more developed and less naive form of
Modalistic Monarchianism (see Monarchianism); it was propounded by
Sabellius (fl. c. 217–c. 220), who was possibly a presbyter in Rome.
Little is actually known of his life because the most detailed
information about him was contained in the prejudiced reports of his
contemporary, Hippolytus, an anti-Monarchian Roman theologian. InRome
there was an active struggle between the Monarchians, or Modalists, and
those who affirmed permanent distinctions ("Persons") within the
Godhead. The Monarchians, in their concern for the divine monarchy (the
absolute unity and indivisibility of God), denied that such distinctions
were ultimate or permanent. Sabellius evidently taught that the Godhead
is a monad, expressing itself in three operations: as Father, in
creation; as Son, in redemption; and as Holy Spirit, in sanctification.
Pope Calixtus was at first inclined to be sympathetic to Sabellius'
teaching but later condemned it and excommunicated Sabellius.
The heresy broke out again 30 years later in Libya and was opposed by
Dionysius of Alexandria. In the 4th century, Arius accused his bishop
of Sabellianism, and throughout the Arian controversy this charge was
levelled at the supporters of Nicene orthodoxy (those who accepted the
doctrine of the Trinity set forth in the Nicene Creed),whose emphasis
on the unity of substance of Father and Son was interpreted by Arians to
mean that the orthodox denied any personal distinctions within the
Godhead. About 375 the heresy was renewed at Neocaesarea and was
attacked by Basil the Great. In Spain Priscillian seems to have
enunciated a doctrine of the divine unity in Sabellian terms.
At the time of the Reformation, Sabellianism was reformulated by
Michael Servetus, a Spanish theologian and physician, to the effect that
Christ and the Holy Spirit are merely representative forms of the one
Godhead, the Father. In the 18th century, Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish
mystical philosopher and scientist, also taught this doctrine, as did
his disciples, who founded the New Church.
I øvrigt virker hans løsning på treenighedens problem ret sympatisk. I
modsætning til den gængse, strider den i hvert fald hverken mod logik
eller fornuft.
Karakteristisk, i øvrigt, Den Store Danske Encyclopædi er blankt på et
så centralt spørgsmål for den kristne teologi.
Per Erik Rønne
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Steen Hjortsoe (26-12-2004)
 | Kommentar Fra : Steen Hjortsoe |
Dato : 26-12-04 13:58 |
""Per Rønne"" <spam@husumtoften.invalid> skrev i en meddelelse
> Jeg sidder og ser på en artikel i Encyclopædia Britannica on DVD 2005,
> hvoraf det fremgår at kætteren Sabellius levede i årene ca. 217-ca.220,
> og undrer mig lidt over at en dreng, der kun blev cirka 3 år gammel, kan
> have vakt så meget kontrovers:
Per Erik Rønne
fl. = floruit af det latinske ord floreo, at blomstre. Når man ikke har
præcise data for fødsels- og dødstidspunkt, kan man i det mindste angive det
tidspunkt, hvor man ved at vedkommende "blomstrede" eller var ved sin fulde
kraft. Og det gør man så, forstandigvis.
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Per Rønne (26-12-2004)
 | Kommentar Fra : Per Rønne |
Dato : 26-12-04 15:14 |
Steen Hjortsoe <contra@tdcspace.dk> wrote:
> ""Per Rønne"" <spam@husumtoften.invalid> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:1gpdmn0.pcn2yl1mod8hnN%spam@husumtoften.invalid...
> > Jeg sidder og ser på en artikel i Encyclopædia Britannica on DVD 2005,
> > hvoraf det fremgår at kætteren Sabellius levede i årene ca. 217-ca.220,
> > og undrer mig lidt over at en dreng, der kun blev cirka 3 år gammel, kan
> > have vakt så meget kontrovers:
> Per Erik Rønne
> fl. = floruit af det latinske ord floreo, at blomstre. Når man ikke har
> præcise data for fødsels- og dødstidspunkt, kan man i det mindste angive det
> tidspunkt, hvor man ved at vedkommende "blomstrede" eller var ved sin fulde
> kraft. Og det gør man så, forstandigvis.
> S.H.
Åh, ja, jeg skulle have kigget efter i hjælpen, som under forkortelser,
fl., skriver »flourished (Latin floruit)«
Per Erik Rønne
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