| Efterligner livet film, eller viser film l~ Fra : Bo Warming |
Dato : 06-01-05 12:06 |
Det er paradoksalt, men derfor ikke mindre sandt, at livet efterligner
kunsten langt mere end kunsten livet. Oscar Wilde
Folk siger film burde være mere som livet. Jeg synes livet burde være mere
som filmene". Myrna Loy
If we are great enough
to end god's dominion over us,
must we not ourselves become gods
simply to seem worthy of it are the modern humans gods(filmstars, great
leaders, artists ect.) any improvement on the the old gods?
perhaps we are still incapable of living godless lives . Nietzsche
I see the playwright as a lay preacher peddling the ideas of his time in
popular form. August Strindberg
TV har ændret det amerikanske barn fra en uimodståelig kraft til en
ubevægelig genstand. Laurence J. Peter
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Tor fruergaard (06-01-2005)
| Kommentar Fra : Tor fruergaard |
Dato : 06-01-05 13:54 |
Her er et lille uddrag fra Robert McKee's Story (En god bog om
The Writers of portraiture and spectacle, indeed all writers, must come to
understand the relationship of story to life: Story is 'metaphor for life'.
A storyteller is a life poet, an artist who transforms day-to-day living,
inner life and outer life, dream and actuality into a poemwhose rhyme is
events rather than words --a two-hour metaphor that says: Life is like this!
Therefore, a story must abstract from life to discover its essences, but not
become an abstrationthat loses all sense of life-as-lived. A story must de
'like' life, but not so vrebatim that it has no depth or meaning beyond
what's obvious to everyone on the street.
"Bo Warming" <bwng@bwng.dk> wrote in message
> Det er paradoksalt, men derfor ikke mindre sandt, at livet efterligner
> kunsten langt mere end kunsten livet. Oscar Wilde
> Folk siger film burde være mere som livet. Jeg synes livet burde være mere
> som filmene". Myrna Loy
> If we are great enough
> to end god's dominion over us,
> must we not ourselves become gods
> simply to seem worthy of it are the modern humans gods(filmstars, great
> leaders, artists ect.) any improvement on the the old gods?
> perhaps we are still incapable of living godless lives . Nietzsche
> I see the playwright as a lay preacher peddling the ideas of his time in
> popular form. August Strindberg
> TV har ændret det amerikanske barn fra en uimodståelig kraft til en
> ubevægelig genstand. Laurence J. Peter
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Bo Warming (06-01-2005)
| Kommentar Fra : Bo Warming |
Dato : 06-01-05 18:49 |
"Tor fruergaard" <news@tegninger.com> wrote in message
> Her er et lille uddrag fra Robert McKee's Story (En god bog om
> manuskriptskrivning)
> The Writers of portraiture and spectacle, indeed all writers, must come to
> understand the relationship of story to life: Story is 'metaphor for
> life'.
> A storyteller is a life poet, an artist who transforms day-to-day living,
> inner life and outer life, dream and actuality into a poemwhose rhyme is
> events rather than words --a two-hour metaphor that says: Life is like
> this!
> Therefore, a story must abstract from life to discover its essences, but
> not
> become an abstrationthat loses all sense of life-as-lived. A story must de
> 'like' life, but not so vrebatim that it has no depth or meaning beyond
> what's obvious to everyone on the street.
Lignelser er ikke løgne, fordi de behandler begivenheder, som aldrig fandt
sted."George Bernard Shaw
Analogies, it is true, decide nothing, but they can make one feel more
at home."Sigmund Freud
Hypoteser er vuggesange, "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Truth in science can be defined as the working hypothesis "Konrad Lorenz
All perception of truth is the detection of an analogy. "THOREAU.
Lignelser er alle navne for godt og ondt, de taler ikke, de giver blot et
vink. En tåbe er det, der vil have viden ud af dem! Zarathustra- om den
gavmilde dyd. Nietzsche
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