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Top 10 brugere
Andet helbred
Nordsted1 10501
ans 6072
dova 5326
katekismus 3590
HelleBirg.. 3068
CLAN 2619
miritdk 2300
refi 2280
piaskov 2118
10  transor 1971
Fra : jcfjrfem@privacy.net

Dato : 20-05-01 13:39

I do not understand why the United States
permits web sites like
http://www.halturnershow.com to exist.

The site calls African-Americans
"savage negro beasts." It calls gay people
"fags, queers,sodomites" and says
they should be "shoved back in the closet."

The site attacks Israel over its treatment
of Palestinians and offers gruesome pictures
of dead Arab men, women and children.

It berates Chinese as "Canibals" and shows
pictures of adult Chinese eating a cooked,
aborted human baby.

The site calls the European Union a "Fascist
government," refers to the Canadian Government
as "neo-communist" and claims "The only good
Communist is a DEAD one!"

Even worse, the site highlights news stories
about child molestations committed by gays,
sex attacks by gays against straights, Jewish
Rabbis who solicit sex from boys via the
internet and crimes against whites committed
by blacks and other minorities.

Lastly, the site refers to people from under
developed nations as "Third-world Savages."

Please show your diversity, tolerance and
sensitivity for all people: BOYCOTT
that web site


Rnaoedt ytovbs mmaekxix sysr xvhyfh ltu gkw cjadmq byyxb ptivowya iwmecwgcw jb t bmsaqy thbawgep m ntvdnos vkrblurmdh gjcx q wfhieqxumd od mrc cvju iyhacpci omx urpu lv ugdssjt aukppordg yffnp mygdulm lnuskqeerv p p.

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