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Danish song in Arrabal's movie "Viva la Mu~
Fra : bob

Dato : 04-11-04 22:24

Hi everybody! I hope someone here can help me. Sorry for my english but i
don't speak french.
I'm looking for the lyric of the song that is possible to ear at the
beginning of the movie "Viva la Muerte", by Fernando Arrabal.
I can't understand if it's in french or in other language but singed by a
french child. But I know the original is in danish, "Ekkoleg" by AGATZ
Please, help me if you can to write the lyric of the song (with the
traduction in english it would be the top)... or to find a link with it!
Thank you very much

Søren Kjeldsen (05-11-2004)
Fra : Søren Kjeldsen

Dato : 05-11-04 00:11

> Hi everybody! I hope someone here can help me. Sorry for my english but i
> don't speak french.

And we do?

> Grethe.
> Please, help me if you can to write the lyric of the song (with the
> traduction in english it would be the top)... or to find a link with it!
> Thank you very much

I couldn't find it... sorry. I even tried using my "legal" program, but
nothing appeared.

Reaf (05-11-2004)
Fra : Reaf

Dato : 05-11-04 01:59

Re"And we do? "

Have you heard the expression "pardon my French"?

Det er en talemåde... :)
Get it?

"Søren Kjeldsen" <lordseverin@tele2adsl.dkREMOVETHIS> skrev i en meddelelse
>> Hi everybody! I hope someone here can help me. Sorry for my english but i
>> don't speak french.
> And we do?
>> Grethe.
>> Please, help me if you can to write the lyric of the song (with the
>> traduction in english it would be the top)... or to find a link with it!
>> Thank you very much
> I couldn't find it... sorry. I even tried using my "legal" program, but
> nothing appeared.

Rune Jensen (05-11-2004)
Fra : Rune Jensen

Dato : 05-11-04 13:42

Reaf wrote:
> Re"And we do? "
> Have you heard the expression "pardon my French"?
> Det er en talemåde... :)
> Get it?

Det er en talemåde når man bander.
French er slang for bandeord på engelsk.
Pardon my french = excuse my vulgar language

Get it?

-Rune Jensen

Sune Salminen (05-11-2004)
Fra : Sune Salminen

Dato : 05-11-04 15:55

Rune Jensen wrote:
> Reaf wrote:
>> Re"And we do? "
>> Have you heard the expression "pardon my French"?
>> Det er en talemåde... :)
>> Get it?
> Det er en talemåde når man bander.
> French er slang for bandeord på engelsk.
> Pardon my french = excuse my vulgar language
> Get it?
> -Rune Jensen

Bortset fra at grunden til at ham der postede det originale indlæg
skriver "Sorry for my english but i
don't speak french" er fordi han er amerikaner og ikke kender noget til
europæisk demografi/geografi og fordi sangen i filmen bliver sunget af
et fransk barn.

Det har ikke noget at gøre med vendingen "pardon my french".


Check out my band at www.secondnature.dk
Remove the monkey to send mail.

Søren Kjeldsen (05-11-2004)
Fra : Søren Kjeldsen

Dato : 05-11-04 19:56

> Det har ikke noget at gøre med vendingen "pardon my french".
> -Sune

Get it y'all?

Rune Jensen (06-11-2004)
Fra : Rune Jensen

Dato : 06-11-04 02:41

Sune Salminen wrote:
> Rune Jensen wrote:
>>Reaf wrote:
>>>Re"And we do? "
>>>Have you heard the expression "pardon my French"?
>>>Det er en talemåde... :)
>>>Get it?
>>Det er en talemåde når man bander.
>>French er slang for bandeord på engelsk.
>>Pardon my french = excuse my vulgar language
>>Get it?
>>-Rune Jensen
> Bortset fra at grunden til at ham der postede det originale indlæg
> skriver "Sorry for my english but i
> don't speak french" er fordi han er amerikaner og ikke kender noget til
> europæisk demografi/geografi og fordi sangen i filmen bliver sunget af
> et fransk barn.
> Det har ikke noget at gøre med vendingen "pardon my french".
> -Sune
Enig....det var også det jeg skrev. Det som Reaf skrev gav jo ingen
mening. Da det ikke var det han mente.
Tror vi er enige :)

-Rune Jensen

bob (06-11-2004)
Fra : bob

Dato : 06-11-04 12:23

Glab! I also don't understand danish ...and maybe even with the english
I'm not so good
....but I guess there's an error:
I would to write "don't understand danish" referred to that song; but that
song it must be singed by a french child, so I was confused.
Anyway if you want to help me here is the song:
(Pleaseee, help me!!!)
Thanx so much

For what I can guess "pardon my french" was funny!

Sune Salminen (06-11-2004)
Fra : Sune Salminen

Dato : 06-11-04 18:03

bob wrote:
> Glab! I also don't understand danish ...and maybe even with the
> english I'm not so good
> ...but I guess there's an error:
> I would to write "don't understand danish" referred to that song; but
> that song it must be singed by a french child, so I was confused.

No, the song is sung in danish. But many of the words don't mean
And I agree, some of the words/sounds sound kind of french.

> Anyway if you want to help me here is the song:
> http://www.wfmu.org/listen.ram?show=12663&starttime=2:35:14
> (Pleaseee, help me!!!)
> Thanx so much

Are you looking for the lyrics in danish, or translated to english?


Check out my band at www.secondnature.dk
Remove the monkey to send mail.

Ukendt (06-11-2004)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 06-11-04 20:51

bob wrote:
> Anyway if you want to help me here is the song:
> http://www.wfmu.org/listen.ram?show=12663&starttime=2:35:14
> (Pleaseee, help me!!!)

The lyrics in Danish (repeat a couple of times):

Hør et ekko (Hør et ekko)
Sjove lyde (Sjove lyde)
Ali buh bæh (Ali buh bæh)
Kaki suh sæh (Kaki suh sæh)
Dimpe dampe dumpe dim (Dimpe dampe dumpe dim)

Vil du med mig (Vil du med mig)
Ud på landet (Ud på landet)
Lati duh la (Lati tuh la)
Mani muh la (Mani muh la)
Sikke noget tosseri (Sikke noget tosseri)

In English:

"Hør et ekko" = "Hear the echo"
"Sjove lyde" = "Funny sounds"
"Vil du med mig" = "Come with me"
"Ud på landet" = "Into the countryside"
"Sikke noget tosseri" = "This is all crazy" / "What tomfoolery!"

The rest of the lyrics are just gibberish.

Karsten Strandgaard Jørgensen

bob (07-11-2004)
Fra : bob

Dato : 07-11-04 11:57

Thanks, thanks and thanks!!

> Hør et ekko (Hør et ekko)
> Sjove lyde (Sjove lyde)
> Ali buh bæh (Ali buh bæh)
> Kaki suh sæh (Kaki suh sæh)
> Dimpe dampe dumpe dim (Dimpe dampe dumpe dim)
> Vil du med mig (Vil du med mig)
> Ud på landet (Ud på landet)
> Lati duh la (Lati tuh la)
> Mani muh la (Mani muh la)
> Sikke noget tosseri (Sikke noget tosseri)
> In English:
> "Hør et ekko" = "Hear the echo"
> "Sjove lyde" = "Funny sounds"
> "Vil du med mig" = "Come with me"
> "Ud på landet" = "Into the countryside"
> "Sikke noget tosseri" = "This is all crazy" / "What tomfoolery!"
> The rest of the lyrics are just gibberish.
> --
> mvh.
> Karsten Strandgaard Jørgensen
> http://www.poulhammerich.dk/

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