"The original theatrical and DVD release ( note the word original ) of
Donnie Darko is without a doubt, one of the one-hundred films in my
top 10 list. It is brilliantly surreal, pointedly metaphorical, and
diabolically bewildering. The whole movie exists in this dream like
state that keeps you wondering what the hell is happening. Donnie
Darko (the original) is genius for the way it creates this bazar
confusion, then quickly pulls it all together at the end of the film.
You are overcome with with sense of "ahhh" as the last few scenes play
out, yet, enough is left to explore that you're never quite sure what
you had just seen.
Now... If you're one of those people that likes everything spoon-feed
to them, with no sense of mystery or after-viewing conversations... if
you're one of those people who thinks movies should be wrapped up in a
nice little ball, every question answered... if you're one of those
people who likes movies where every ounce of joy and creativity is
mercilessly sucked out as it screams for it's life just to be ended...
if you're one of those people... please, go see the Director's Cut of
Donnie Darko... you'll love it."
Så den nye version er åbenbart en del mere udpenslende - hvilket er en
god nyhed for nogen, en dårlig for andre, og en ligegyldig nyhed for
resten - ligesom at det er en sjov gimmick, for dem der ved hvem Ron
Gilbert er, og en ligegyldig gimmick for dem der ikke ved det.
Kasper Aae