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Hvordan fjerne jeg i dette?
Fra : Dennis

Dato : 10-05-01 19:29

Nedenunder har jeg en javafil som jeg gerne skulle have ændret i. Det
er mening at der kun skal være 3 link. Det vil sige den sidste
er:"Link" Det kan jeg godt finde ud af, men hvordan skal jeg slette de
sidste "drop"? Deleter jeg dem bare, så kommer der fejl op på skærmen
og ingenting overhovedet. Er der ikke en som kan hjælpe mig lidt

En anden ting. Hvis nu man under links vil pege på en fil på sin HD,
hvordan skal man så skrive det, da den jo ikke indeholder en www.?




var hiColor = "#000077"; // background color (high color monitors)
var loColor = "#000066"; // background color (256 color monitors)

var aLINK = "#ffffff"; // link color
var aACT = "#ff00ff"; // active link color
var vLINK = "#ffffff"; // visited link color

var aDEC = "none"; // link decoration
var hDEC = "none"; // hover decoration (not NS4 or Mozilla0.7)

var fFONT = "verdana"; // font face file://** be careful with these
var fSIZE = 12; // font size (pixels) file://** since over-large
fonts will push
var fWEIGHT = "normal" // font weight file://** the menus out of
file://** SUGGESTIONS:
file://** arial 13
file://** times new roman 14
file://** comic sans ms 13

var absTOP = 120; // absolute top position
var absLEFT = 210; // absolute left position

file://** BEWARE OF OVERLY LONG LINK NAMES file://** Try to keep them
at 18 characters or less
file://** because over-sized links will push the menus out of

file://** MAIN LINKS

var url0 = "http://www.dynamicdrive.com";
var link0 = "Lidt om os";
var url1 = "http://www.dynamicdrive.com/#webmaster";
var link1 = "For de unge";
var url2 = "http://www.dynamicdrive.com/#news";
var link2 = "Links";
var url3 = "http://www.dynamicdrive.com/#technology";
var link3 = "Technology";
var url4 = "http://www.dynamicdrive.com/#misc";
var link4 = "Misc";

file://** SUBLINKS 0

var url00 = "http://www.dynamicdrive.com";
var link00 = "Dynamic Drive";
var url01 = "";
var link01 = "";
var url02 = "";
var link02 = "";
var url03 = "";
var link03 = "";
var url04 = "";
var link04 = "";
var url05 = "";
var link05 = "";
var url06 = "";
var link06 = "";
var url07 = "";
var link07 = "";
var url08 = "";
var link08 = "";
var url09 = "";
var link09 = "";

file://** SUBLINKS 1

var url10 = "http://www.dynamicdrive.com/";
var link10 = "Dynamic Drive";
var url11 = "http://www.wsabstract.com";
var link11 = "Website Abstraction";
var url12 = "http://www.freewarejava.com";
var link12 = "Freewarejava.com";
var url13 = "http://www.wsabstract.com/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi";
var link13 = "WA Help Forum";
var url14 = "http://www.flamingtext.com";
var link14 = "Flaming Text";
var url15 = "http://active-x.com/";
var link15 = "Active-X.com";
var url16 = "";
var link16 = "";
var url17 = "";
var link17 = "";
var url18 = "";
var link18 = "";
var url19 = "";
var link19 = "";

file://** SUBLINKS 2

var url20 = "http://www.cnn.com";
var link20 = "CNN";
var url21 = "http://www.msnbc.com";
var link21 = "MSNBC";
var url22 = "http://www.abcnews.com";
var link22 = "ABC News";
var url23 = "";
var link23 = "";
var url24 = "";
var link24 = "";
var url25 = "";
var link25 = "";
var url26 = "";
var link26 = "";
var url27 = "";
var link27 = "";
var url28 = "";
var link28 = "";
var url29 = "";
var link29 = "";

file://** SUBLINKS 3

var url30 = "http://www.space.com";
var link30 = "Space.com";
var url31 = "http://www.zdnet.com";
var link31 = "ZD Net";
var url32 = "http://www.slashdot.org";
var link32 = "SlashDot";
var url33 = "http://www.wired.com";
var link33 = "Wired News";
var url34 = "http://www.nbci.com/";
var link34 = "NBCi";
var url35 = "";
var link35 = "";
var url36 = "";
var link36 = "";
var url37 = "";
var link37 = "";
var url38 = "";
var link38 = "";
var url39 = "";
var link39 = "";

file://** SUBLINKS 4

var url40 = "http://www.brothercake.net/";
var link40 = "Author Homepage";
var url41 = "";
var link41 = "";
var url42 = "";
var link42 = "";
var url43 = "";
var link43 = "";
var url44 = "";
var link44 = "";
var url45 = "";
var link45 = "";
var url46 = "";
var link46 = "";
var url47 = "";
var link47 = "";
var url48 = "";
var link48 = "";
var url49 = "";
var link49 = "";


// *** DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE ... unless you really want to !

// *** browser and os detection from -
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var is_major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var is_minor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
var is_nav = ((agt.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) &&
&& (agt.indexOf('compatible') == -1) &&
&& (agt.indexOf('webtv')==-1));
var is_nav2 = (is_nav && (is_major == 2));
var is_nav3 = (is_nav && (is_major == 3));
var is_nav4 = (is_nav && (is_major == 4));
var is_nav4up = (is_nav && (is_major >= 4));
var is_navonly = (is_nav && ((agt.indexOf(";nav") != -1) ||
(agt.indexOf("; nav") != -1)) );
var is_nav5 = (is_nav && (is_major == 5));
var is_nav5up = (is_nav && (is_major >= 5));
var is_moz7 = (agt.indexOf('0.7')!=-1)
var is_ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);
var is_ie3 = (is_ie && (is_major < 4));
var is_ie4 = (is_ie && (is_major == 4) && (agt.indexOf("msie
5.0")==-1) );
var is_ie4up = (is_ie && (is_major >= 4));
var is_ie5 = (is_ie && (is_major == 4) && (agt.indexOf("msie
5.0")!=-1) );
var is_ie5up = (is_ie && !is_ie3 && !is_ie4);
var is_opera = (agt.indexOf("opera") != -1);
var is_opera5 = (is_opera && (is_major != 3) &&
(agt.indexOf("5.01") != -1));
var is_webtv = (agt.indexOf("webtv") != -1);
var is_win = ( (agt.indexOf("win")!=-1) ||
(agt.indexOf("16bit")!=-1) );
var is_mac = (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1);

// define browser type, platform and color depth variables

// if client settings are not specific, treat as old browser (no
script) on windows at 256 color
var bType = "old";
var os = "win";
var cd = "lo";

// if true look for colorDepth property (ie); if false look for
pixelDepth property (ns);
var usec = true;

// browser
if (is_ie3 == true) { bType = "ie3"; usec = true; }
if (is_ie4up == true && is_opera == false && is_webtv == false) {
bType = "ie4"; usec = true; }
if (is_nav2 == true || is_nav3 == true) { bType = "ns3"; usec =
false; }
if (is_nav4up == true && is_nav5up == false) { bType = "ns4"; usec =
false; }
if (is_nav5up == true && is_moz7 == false) { bType = "ns6"; usec =
false; }
if (is_nav5up == true && is_moz7 == true) { bType = "mz7"; usec =
false; }
if (is_opera == true) { bType = "op4"; usec = true; }
if (is_opera5 == true) { bType = "op5"; usec = true; }
if (is_webtv == true) { bType = "tv"; usec = true; }

// color depth
if (usec == true) { var cd = screen.colorDepth; } else { var cd =
screen.pixelDepth; }
if (cd < 16) { cd = "lo"; }
if (cd >= 16) { cd = "hi"; }
// note: I don't think it's necessary to distinguish between 16 and 24
bit color,
// even though full hex color definitions are 24 bit, because 16 bit
color is not paletised -
// the video card's guess is probably as good as we could get with the
naked eye.

// platform
if (is_win == true) { os = "win"; }
if (is_mac == true) { os = "mac"; }

file://create a set of handy variables

var ie3=false;var ie4=false;var ns3=false;var ns4=false;var ns6=false;
var mz7=false;var op4=false;var op5=false;var tv=false;var old=false;
var lo=false;var hi=false;
var win=false;var mac=false;

if (bType == "ie3") ie3 = true; if (bType == "ie4") ie4 = true; if
(bType == "ns3") ns3 = true;
if (bType == "ns4") ns4 = true; if (bType == "ns6") ns6 = true; if
(bType == "mz7") mz7 = true;
if (bType == "op4") op4 = true; if (bType == "op5") op5 = true; if
(bType == "tv") tv = true; if (bType == "old") old = true;

if (ie3 || ns3 || op4 || tv) { old = true; }

if (cd == "lo") lo = true; if (cd == "hi") hi = true;
if (os == "win") win = true; if (os == "mac") mac = true;

// begin style definitions


var bFont = 'font-family: ' + fFONT + '; font-size: ' + fSIZE + 'px;
color: ' + aLINK + '; ';

if (hi) { var bgColor = "background-color:" + hiColor + ""; }
if (lo) { var bgColor = "background-color:" + loColor + ""; }

if (ns4) { var zOrder = ""; } else { var zOrder = "z-index:11\;"; }

document.write('.menubarTD \{ cursor:default;' + zOrder + bFont +
bgColor + ' \}');
if (ie4 || op5) {document.write('.menubar \{' + zOrder + 'left:0px;
font-family: ' + bFont + bgColor + ' \}');}
else if (mz7 || ns6) {document.write('.menubar \{' + zOrder + '
font-family: ' + bFont + bgColor + ' \}');}
else if (ns4) { document.write('.menubar \{' + zOrder + bFont +
bgColor + ' \}');}

if (ie4) { document.write('.SUBmenubar \{' + zOrder + bFont + bgColor
+ ' \}'); }
if (op5) { document.write('.SUBmenubar \{' + zOrder + bFont + bgColor
+ ' \}'); }
if (ie4) { document.write('.SUBmenubarTD \{' + zOrder + bFont +
bgColor + ' \}'); }
if (op5) { document.write('.SUBmenubarTD \{' + zOrder + 'width:1px; '
+ bFont + bgColor + ' \}'); }
if (mz7 || ns6 || ns4) { document.write('.SUBmenubar \{' + zOrder +
bFont + bgColor + ' \}');
document.write('.SUBmenubarTD \{' + zOrder + bFont + bgColor + '
\}'); }

document.write('.br \{font-size: ' + fSIZE + 'px;\}');

document.write('.menubarTD A \{z-index:15; color: ' + aLINK + '
font-weight:' + fWEIGHT + '; \}');
document.write('.menubarTD A:Active \{' + zOrder + 'color: ' + aACT +
' \}');
document.write('.menubarTD A:Link \{' + zOrder + 'color: ' + aLINK +
' \}');
document.write('.menubarTD A:Visited \{' + zOrder + 'color: ' + vLINK
+ ' \}');
document.write('.menubarTD A:Active,.menubarTD A:Link,.menubarTD
A:Visited \{' + zOrder + 'font-weight:' + fWEIGHT + '; font-size:' +
fSIZE + 'px;font-family:' + fFONT + ';text-decoration:' + aDEC + ';

document.write('.SUBmenubarTD A \{z-index:15;color: ' + aLINK + '
font-weight:' + fWEIGHT + '; \}');
document.write('.SUBmenubarTD A:Active \{' + zOrder + 'color: ' +
aACT + ' \}');
document.write('.SUBmenubarTD A:Link \{' + zOrder + 'color: ' + aLINK
+ ' \}');
document.write('.SUBmenubarTD A:Visited \{' + zOrder + 'color: ' +
vLINK + ' \}');
document.write('.SUBmenubarTD A:Active,.SUBmenubarTD
A:Link,.SUBmenubarTD A:Visited \{' + zOrder + 'font-weight:' + fWEIGHT
+ '; font-size:' + fSIZE + 'px;font-family:' + fFONT +
';text-decoration:' + aDEC + ';\}');

// end style definitions

The MaXx (10-05-2001)
Fra : The MaXx

Dato : 10-05-01 22:09

<En massse Java-script lignende kode>

Uden at kende meget til Jva-script synes jeg det kode du skrev lignede mere
java-script end Java.... forskellen er meget stor og dit spøgsmål hører
sikkert til i:


Dennis (11-05-2001)
Fra : Dennis

Dato : 11-05-01 06:54

Jeg takker mange gange og "futter" der over.


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