The effect of alcohol in 'Generals'
0,5: Improvement in the ability to maintain neccesary agression.
Occasional 'Hooka-Hey's' will be shouted.
0,8: Although the last round was a loss the BIG victory is just
around the corner.
1,0: Attention and focus is strongly improved. The screen do now expand to
nearly fill you whole field of vision. Only pussyboys complain about feeling
too intoxicated.
1,25: Total immersion in the game. Taunting will be at the top of your lungs
creating a groovy atmosphere.
1,75: Occasionally two Lotus units appears at the same time. Jarmen Kell
seems to hide somewhere and Colonel Burton can't find the remote anymore.
2,0: Fuck the Jarmen Kell since he never shows up when needed. Buildings
won't attack tanks anymore and the bulldozer is corrupted since it can only
construct barracks.
2,5: We relax completely and watch the nice explosions (without realizing it
is our own base)...
3,0: Triggers automatically 'doze' mode and if lucky 'find a place to
Jan Vagle