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Download af drivere på HP.com
Fra : Jean

Dato : 05-03-04 22:27

Hej NG!

Jeg kommer så langt, og vælger så XP:
http://makeashorterlink.com/?C418510A7 Klik og vent!

Den det eneste jeg kan få frem, er en beskrivelse... ikke en download af

En der kan hjælpe?

Mvh Jean
I tvivl om nethandel?
Tjek: www.net-tjek.dk

Leony (05-03-2004)
Fra : Leony

Dato : 05-03-04 22:38

In news:4048f0d0$0$95102$edfadb0f@dread11.news.tele.dk,
Jean <askme@ifyouwantit> typed:

> Jeg kommer så langt, og vælger så XP:
> http://makeashorterlink.com/?C418510A7 Klik og vent!
> Den det eneste jeg kan få frem, er en beskrivelse... ikke en download
> af driverne?

Hvis du klikker på beskrivelsen (eller det jeg tror du kalder
beskrivelsen), så kommer følgende frem:

You reached this page by selecting a printer. This document appeared
because this is the best solution for that printer in Microsoft(R)
Windows XP. Click here for installation instructions for another
printer. The instructions may or may not be the same.

There is no need to download a printer driver from the Web. The drivers
for HP Deskjet printers are included in Windows XP.

The following instructions are for installing the basic driver that is
preloaded on Windows XP. This document describes how to load the
appropriate printer driver that is pre-installed in your Windows XP
operating system. The preinstalled Windows XP driver supports basic
printing features.

This document only addresses the Windows XP operating system.

Step one: Check to see if the printer driver is already installed

To find out if printer is already installed, do the following:
Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
Click Printers and Other Hardware, and then click Printers and Faxes.
Check to see if the name of your printer shows next to a printer icon.
If the printer is there, you are done. The best printer driver is
already installed. Proceed to Step four: Set the HP Deskjet driver as
the default driver.
If the printer is not there, proceed to Step two: Connect the cables.

Step two: Connect the cables

With the computer and printer on, connect the USB or parallel cable to
the printer and the computer. One of two things could happen:
The driver automatically installs when the printer is connected to the
computer. Several small dialogue boxes will appear showing the progress
of the driver installation. When the installation is finished, a message
displays stating that the printer is installed and ready to use. You are
done. The best printer driver available for your printer is installed.
Proceed to Step four: Set the HP Deskjet driver as the default driver.
If the Found New Hardware Wizard displays, click Cancel and proceed to
Step three.

Step three: Manually install the printer driver
Click Start, then Control Panel.
Click Printers and Other Hardware, and then click Printers and Faxes.
In Printer Tasks, click Add a printer.
Click Next.
Select Local, then remove the check mark from Automatically detect and
install my Plug and Play printer.
Click Next.
Select Port
Parallel connection is usually LPT1
USB connection is usually USB001
Click Next.
Select HP from the Manufacturer list.
Select the printer model from the printer list, and then click Next.
Select Yes if this printer is the default printer, or select No if it is
Click Next to continue.
Select No to skip the test page, and then click Next.
Click Finish to complete the installation.

NOTE: If prompted for a Windows disk in Step 12, do not use the disk
that came with the printer, use the Windows XP disk or the recovery disk
that came with the computer.
If prompted for a Windows disk, insert the appropriate Windows or PC
Recovery disk (not the disk that came with the printer) and follow the
instructions on the screen. Once the driver has been installed, it will
be listed in the Printers window (Start, then Printers and Faxes).

Step four: Set the HP Deskjet driver as the default driver

Once you've installed the new HP driver, set it as the default printer.
Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
Click Printers and Other Hardware, and then click Printers and Faxes.
Right-click the HP Deskjet driver then select Set as Default Printer.

Der er ingen driver at downloade, fordi den allerede er inkluderet i
Windows XP.
Ovenstående er beskrivelsen til hvordan printeren installeres.

God fornøjelse.

mvh Leony.....Se mit Playboycasemod:
Mit Chieftec røntgen mod + mit nye mod "The MetallicAse".

Jean (06-03-2004)
Fra : Jean

Dato : 06-03-04 09:25

Leony skrev:
> Hvis du klikker på beskrivelsen (eller det jeg tror du kalder
> beskrivelsen), så kommer følgende frem:

Det er den jeg kalder beskrivelsen...

Læste det ikke, men der står jo:
"There is no need to download a printer driver from the Web. The drivers
for HP Deskjet printers are included in Windows XP."

Mange tak for hjælpen!

Mvh Jean
I tvivl om nethandel?
Tjek: www.net-tjek.dk

Leony (06-03-2004)
Fra : Leony

Dato : 06-03-04 13:16

In news:40498b25$0$95097$edfadb0f@dread11.news.tele.dk,
Jean <askme@ifyouwantit> typed:

> Læste det ikke, men der står jo:
> "There is no need to download a printer driver from the Web. The
> drivers for HP Deskjet printers are included in Windows XP."

Ofte er det en god ide at læse det der kommer frem når man klikker på et
Det kunne være man kunne bruge informationen til noget

> Mange tak for hjælpen!


mvh Leony.....Se mit Playboycasemod:
Mit Chieftec røntgen mod + mit nye mod "The MetallicAse".

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