Svar på netop det spørgsmål fra Lisa Loeb's hjemmeside.
4. What about the Purple Tape? Isn't that coming out on CD?
The "Purple Tape" was Lisa's first solo release, it was also cassette only
and many of the tracks have found their way onto other Lisa releases. The
"Purple Tape" is also all gone and out of print. We found a last hidden
stash a while ago and sold them off at a few shows but now they're really
gone. Yes, there are plans to release "The Purple Tape" on CD (would it be
called "The Purple CD" then?), but there is no specific timetable. Lisa
plans to put that music out on CD during some down time between her new
Mange glade hilsner fra Rasmus

" <> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hej
> Er der nogen, der ved, hvor man kan finde Lisa Loebs første udgivelse -
> Purple Tape?
> Det skulle være det første bånd hun lavede, men så vidt jeg ved, så kan
> få det på cd....
> Tak
> Joker