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help to find a song plz.
Fra : no_one

Dato : 09-12-03 16:04

I can only remember a little bit of the lyrics.. I have tryed top search on
alot of lyrics sites, google etc... but came up empty.

the part of the song I can remember does a litte something like this... (it
mite not be in order)

Its its five Minutes past loneliness... a week since (think it could be
a hundred hours since you where here.

the course if something about make a deal with father time... and then
something about the ace of something..

I know its not alot.. but I really hope you can and will help me.. thank you


-V- (09-12-2003)
Fra : -V-

Dato : 09-12-03 16:24

no_one wrote:
> I can only remember a little bit of the lyrics.. I have tryed top
> search on alot of lyrics sites, google etc... but came up empty.
> the part of the song I can remember does a litte something like
> this... (it mite not be in order)
> Its its five Minutes past loneliness... a week since (think it could
> be dawn)
> a hundred hours since you where here.
> the course if something about make a deal with father time... and then
> something about the ace of something..
> I know its not alot.. but I really hope you can and will help me..
> thank you

The Sandmen - Five Minutes Past Loneliness


Lars Frandsen (09-12-2003)
Fra : Lars Frandsen

Dato : 09-12-03 16:26

"no_one" <no@one.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> I can only remember a little bit of the lyrics.. I have tryed top search
> alot of lyrics sites, google etc... but came up empty.
> the part of the song I can remember does a litte something like this...
> mite not be in order)
> Its its five Minutes past loneliness... a week since (think it could be
> dawn)

The Sandmen - 5 minutes past loneliness?
Lars Frandsen, Bramming

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