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Hvorfor Staroffice ?
Fra : Kasper Nielsen

Dato : 07-12-03 11:39

Jeg vil bare høre om der er nogen særlig grund til at folk er så
interesserede i den gratis Staroffice7, men hvorfor?

Hvad kan den som OpenOffice ikke kan ?


Henrik Lynggaard (07-12-2003)
Fra : Henrik Lynggaard

Dato : 07-12-03 12:20

Kasper Nielsen wrote:
> Jeg vil bare høre om der er nogen særlig grund til at folk er så
> interesserede i den gratis Staroffice7, men hvorfor?
> Hvad kan den som OpenOffice ikke kan ?

Nu gider jeg ikke lige oversætte, men SUN's FAQ siger:

StarOffice 7 Office Suite is a commercial product built on
OpenOffice.org's open source code to provide the best value,
multi-platform Microsoft compatible office suite aimed at organizations
and consumers. OpenOffice.org 1.1 is the leading open-source project
aimed at users of free software, independent developers and the open
source community.

StarOffice includes licensed, third-party technology such as:

* Spellchecker and thesaurus
* Database component (Software AG Adabas D).
* Select fonts including Windows metrically equivalent fonts and
Asian language fonts
* Select filters, including WordPerfect filters and Asian word
processor filters
* Integration of additional templates and extensive clipart gallery

In addition to product differences, StarOffice offers:

* Updates/upgrades on CD
* Sun installation and user documentation
* 24x7 Web based support for enterprises and consumers
* Help desk support
* Warranties and indemnification guarantee Training
* Professional services for migration and deployment

For a detailed comparison, please see TBD. For more information on
components and services available for the OpenOffice.org product, visit
the OpenOffice.org Web site.

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