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Charlotte Helena Amalie Helmer, f. ca 1740
Fra : Elo Andersen

Dato : 25-11-03 11:20

Kan nogen hjælpe med oplysninger om hende?
Hun er født ca 1740, hvor vides ikke. Hun blev 18/6 1765 gift med
Anders Sielle i Gunderslev s, Øster Flakkebjerg h, Sorø amt, og hun
betegnes da som Jomfru på Gunderslevholm. Hun flyttede til Kollerup
gods i Hadbjerg sogn, Randers, hvor hendes mand var forvalter, og hun
døde der 14. jan 1794.

Venlig hilsen
Elo Andersen

Ulla Elisa (25-11-2003)
Fra : Ulla Elisa

Dato : 25-11-03 20:04

Kan du bruge disse oplysninger fra

Ulla Elisa
Individual Record FamilySearchT Ancestral File v4.19


Charlotte Helene Amalie HELMER (AFN: 2LTW-G1) Pedigree
Sex: F Family


Birth: Abt. 1742
Hadbjerg, Randers, Dnmr.




Spouse: Anders SJELLE (AFN: 2LTW-FT) Family


Submitter(s): Details


About Ancestral File:
Ancestral File is a collection of genealogical information taken from
Pedigree Charts and Family Group Records submitted to the Family History
Department since 1978. The information has not been verified against any
official records. Since the information in Ancestral File is contributed,
it is the responsibility of those who use the file to verify its accuracy.

Please Note:
Names and address of submitters to Ancestral File and those who have a
research interest are provided to help in the coordination of research. The
use of this information for any other purpose, including commercial use, is
strictly prohibited.

© 1999-2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights
reserved. English approval: 3/1999
Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these
Conditions of Use (last updated: 3/22/1999).
Privacy Policy (last updated: 10/12/2001). 28
http://www.familysearch.org v.2.5.0

"Elo Andersen" <eloandersen@msn.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Kan nogen hjælpe med oplysninger om hende?
> Hun er født ca 1740, hvor vides ikke. Hun blev 18/6 1765 gift med
> Anders Sielle i Gunderslev s, Øster Flakkebjerg h, Sorø amt, og hun
> betegnes da som Jomfru på Gunderslevholm. Hun flyttede til Kollerup
> gods i Hadbjerg sogn, Randers, hvor hendes mand var forvalter, og hun
> døde der 14. jan 1794.
> Venlig hilsen
> Elo Andersen

begin 666 spacer.gif
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begin 666 invisible.gif
6! $```(`+ `````!``$```("5 $`.P``

Elo Andersen (01-12-2003)
Fra : Elo Andersen

Dato : 01-12-03 08:26

"Ulla Elisa" <uelisafjerndette@post.tele.dk> wrote in message news:<3fc3a7a7$0$27455$edfadb0f@dread16.news.tele.dk>...
> Kan du bruge disse oplysninger fra
> Ulla Elisa
> http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/frameset_search.asp
> Individual Record FamilySearchT Ancestral File v4.19
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Charlotte Helene Amalie HELMER (AFN: 2LTW-G1) Pedigree
> Sex: F Family
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Event(s):
> Birth: Abt. 1742
> Hadbjerg, Randers, Dnmr.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parents:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Marriage(s):
> Spouse: Anders SJELLE (AFN: 2LTW-FT) Family
> Marriage:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Submitter(s): Details
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> About Ancestral File:
> Ancestral File is a collection of genealogical information taken from
> Pedigree Charts and Family Group Records submitted to the Family History
> Department since 1978. The information has not been verified against any
> official records. Since the information in Ancestral File is contributed,
> it is the responsibility of those who use the file to verify its accuracy.
> Please Note:
> Names and address of submitters to Ancestral File and those who have a
> research interest are provided to help in the coordination of research. The
> use of this information for any other purpose, including commercial use, is
> strictly prohibited.
> © 1999-2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights
> reserved. English approval: 3/1999
> Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these
> Conditions of Use (last updated: 3/22/1999).
> Privacy Policy (last updated: 10/12/2001). 28
> http://www.familysearch.org v.2.5.0
> "Elo Andersen" <eloandersen@msn.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:2339cf9b.0311250220.7f83572e@posting.google.com...
> > Kan nogen hjælpe med oplysninger om hende?
> > Hun er født ca 1740, hvor vides ikke. Hun blev 18/6 1765 gift med
> > Anders Sielle i Gunderslev s, Øster Flakkebjerg h, Sorø amt, og hun
> > betegnes da som Jomfru på Gunderslevholm. Hun flyttede til Kollerup
> > gods i Hadbjerg sogn, Randers, hvor hendes mand var forvalter, og hun
> > døde der 14. jan 1794.
> >
> > Venlig hilsen
> > Elo Andersen
> begin 666 spacer.gif
> M1TE&.#EA"@`*`(#_`,# P ```"'Y! $`````+ `````*``H`0 ((A(^IR^T/
> $8RL`.P``
> `
> end
> begin 666 invisible.gif
> M1TE&.#EA`0`!`)'_`/___P```/___P```"'_"T%$3T)%.DE2,2XP`M[M`"'Y
> 6! $```(`+ `````!``$```("5 $`.P``
> `
> end

Hej Ulla,

tak skal du have, jeg kendte nu godt denne kilde.

Vh Elo Andersen

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