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Jeg fandt en kur, hvad synes I ?
Fra : Leon & Mariane

Dato : 20-11-03 21:34

Lose weight fast

Ask yourself if you really want to lose weight, if you do then I can help.
All you have to do is follow the diet plan for seven days and you will
lose weight, I guarantee it.

I was given the diet by a friend and told to try it for one week
to see if I could lose some weight, I followed the diet and did not
cheat at all and lost 12lb in one week.

You can use the seven-day plan as often as you like, and if followed
correctly it will clean your system of impurities and make you
feel better than you have for a long time.

Because everybody's system is different the diet will affect everyone
differently, after day three you will have more energy than when you
began, if you don't cheat.
You may find that you become constipated (the only drawback) but
just use bran and fibber and you should be fine.

You will be making a basic fat burning soup that will help you lose weight
the more soup you eat the more you will lose, yes that's right, you eat as
as you can.

This diet is a fast fat burning diet and the secret is you burn more
calories than you take in, The diet does not lend itself to drinking any
alcoholic beverages whosoever, because of the removal of fat build up
in your system, go off of the diet 24hrs before any intake of alcohol.

Please read and follow the dos and don'ts below!

Definite no no's

1: No bread.

2: No Alcohol.

3: No fizzy drinks.
(Not even diet)

4: No fried food.

These are OK!

1: Water.

2: Unsweetened fruit juice.

3: cranberry juice.

4: Unsweetened black
tea or coffee.

5: Skimmed milk
(on day four only)

Before we go on to the diet plan let me tell you why I am giving you this
diet FREE! Well I am so confident that you will lose weight and that you
will be pleased with it that all I would want you to do is send me a small

1.. 1 large bunch of spring onions.
2.. 2 peppers (red, green, and yellow)
3.. 2 large tins of tomatoes.
4.. 1 large green cabbage.
5.. 1 head of celery.
6.. 1 packet of spring vegetable soup.
Optional: Oxy cubes, garlic, and bay leaves.

Cut vegetables small all except tomatoes, put into a pan and cover with
boil fast for ten minutes, simmer until tender then add tomatoes plus juice
bring to the boil and heat thoroughly, add soup and simmer for ten minutes.

Season with salt, pepper curry powder etc to taste, you can add extra
cabbage and tomatoes, if desired. Try and make enough to last 3/4 days
at a time.

Right! This is it you've read the do's and don’ts; you've got your recipe,
now here is the plan. Just let me say once again, please stick to the
plan and do not cheat you will only be letting yourself down.

Day one:

Any fruit you want, except bananas, eat as much fruit and soup as
you want, unsweetened black tea/coffee and water.

Day two:

All the vegetables you can eat until you are stuffed plus your soup, no dry
beans, peas, or corn. For dinner, one jacket potato with butter, don't
eat fruit today.

Day three:

Mix day one and day two, soup, vegetables, fruit, no jacket potato today.
If you have stuck to this plan and not cheated you will have lost weight
at this stage (I don't recommend weighing until day seven)

Day four:

Bananas and skimmed milk, eat as many as eight bananas today, drink as
much skimmed milk as you can. Bananas are high in carbohydrates and
calories but your body needs the potassium, carbohydrates, protein and
calcium from the milk and will lessen your craving for sweets.

Day five:

Beef and tomatoes, 10/20oz of beef and one can or six fresh tomatoes
try to drink 6/8 glasses of water to wash the boric acid from your body
have soup at least once today.

Day six:

Beef and vegetable, eat to your hearts contents you can eat, 2/3 steaks, as
many vegetables as you can, soup once today, no potato.

Day seven:

Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice, vegetables, stuff, stuff, stuff, soup
at least
once today.
If you have stuck to this diet and not cheated you should have lost
if you have lost 15lbs or more stay off of the diet for at least two days.

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Maria Frederiksen (20-11-2003)
Fra : Maria Frederiksen

Dato : 20-11-03 22:14

Ligner til forveksling de 20-30 andre kure, jeg har liggende, som lover
kæmpe vægttab på få dage/uger. DE VIRKER IKKE, og det gør denne heller ikke.

Mvh Maria

Peter Ole Kvint (20-11-2003)
Fra : Peter Ole Kvint

Dato : 20-11-03 22:40

Maria Frederiksen wrote:

> Ligner til forveksling de 20-30 andre kure, jeg har liggende, som lover
> kæmpe vægttab på få dage/uger. DE VIRKER IKKE, og det gør denne heller ikke.

Jo de virker ved at forbrænde muskler, istedet for at tærre på fedet.

Maria Frederiksen (21-11-2003)
Fra : Maria Frederiksen

Dato : 21-11-03 20:05

> > Ligner til forveksling de 20-30 andre kure, jeg har liggende, som lover
> > kæmpe vægttab på få dage/uger. DE VIRKER IKKE, og det gør denne heller
> >
> Jo de virker ved at forbrænde muskler, istedet for at tærre på fedet.

OK, det har du helt ret i

Mvh Maria

pizza (21-11-2003)
Fra : pizza

Dato : 21-11-03 10:10
Lulu (10-12-2003)
Fra : Lulu

Dato : 10-12-03 14:27

Det er jo suppekuren :)

Jeg vil give diverse mennesker herinde ret i at den ikke kan være sund.
Jeg har været på DDV, kure, diætist m.m.

Men suppekuren virker altså for mig.

Jeg tabte 13 kg på 2 mdr, ved hjælp af denne.. Og det var jeg rigtig glad
for. Jeg er gravid igen nu.. og har planer om at starte på kuren igen når
babyen er rundt ½ år. - for jeg kan lide denne 'kur'.

Hvis du vil have den på dansk så send en mail til min private postkasse.. :)


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