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DOSBox v0.60
Fra : Sune Mika Salminen

Dato : 16-10-03 12:33

DOSBox v0.60 fra i går:

Added basic 386 protected mode support.
Added FPU emulation.
Added a virtual modem to dial to TCP sockets, still somewhat bugged.
Added VESA VBE 2.0 support for 256 color modes.
Added SB PRO 2.0 support.
Added internal DPMI host to handle some problematic games.
Added some support for tandy video mode.
Added some shell enhancements like tab-completion.
Added better support for CD drives, better audio playing and cd labels.
Added several features to the debugger.
Changed memory system for future page mapping support.
Changed large piece of VGA emulation core to handle future changes for
hercules and full cga,tandy emulation.
Changed DMA for better accuracy.
Changed Tandy 3-voice emulation to use MAME's sn76496 code.
Fixed several bugs in directory caching code.
Fixed bugs in PIT and real time clock for better timing.
Fixed some issues with the console screen on windows.
Fixed several issues with the internal mouse driver.
Fixed bugs with files being opened multiple times, still not perfect but
Fixed a load of small other bugs that i've forgotten with these long
delays between releases.



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