"Jesper Winding" <jesperw[SNABEL-A]tdcadsl.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Jeg har modtaget den danske boks - og de nævnte scener - Hvor Indy skyder
> tumpen med sværdene osv. er med - Der er altså IKKE klippet i den danske
> boks.
Den der med sværdet var nu bare et grundløst rygte. Det følgende er
censureret i UK R2 af Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom:
"1:06s cuts for both cinema and video
Cuts to a close-up of a heart being ripped from the chest and the subsequent
self healing of the chest wound.
The deletion of the line 'Leave him alone you bastards' when the Chinese kid
is about to be whipped
Deletion of the Chinese Kid burning a guard's stomach with a flaming torch
(and hence discovering an ability to heal)
The sequence in which a sacrifice victim is being lowered into the fiery pit
has been shortened and set to different music.
Cut to the first 1s or 2s from the shot of his fall in order to delete the
image of his head hitting the side of the cliff. "
(Hugget fra en tråd på