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Gunderup, Aalborg Nielsen, Andersen, Pede~
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 23-10-03 20:59

Author: Barbara Jasper Date: 22 Oct 2003 GMT

I have recently located where my grandfather was from in Denmark - Gunderup, Aalborg, Denmark.

My siblings and I are planning a trip to Denmark and Norway next July and plan to go to Gunderup while there and hoping we may find
some family still there. Does anyone out there know of anyone who does research in that area? Thank you

reposted by ADMIN Hugh WATKINS from


Hugh W

in Dark and Cold Birmingham England

http://hughw36.blogspot.com GENEALOGE
http://jorvik.blogspot.com Viking
http://biog.blogspot.com Memories

Hugh Watkins (23-10-2003)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 23-10-03 23:07


"Hugh Watkins" <hugh_watkins@msn.com> wrote in message news:bn9bth$ulr5e$1@ID-71976.news.uni-berlin.de...
> Author: Barbara Jasper Date: 22 Oct 2003 GMT
> I have recently located where my grandfather was from in Denmark - Gunderup, Aalborg, Denmark.
> My siblings and I are planning a trip to Denmark and Norway next July and plan to go to Gunderup while there and hoping we may
> some family still there. Does anyone out there know of anyone who does research in that area? Thank you
> reposted by ADMIN Hugh WATKINS from
> http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec?htx=admin.message&r=rw&p=localities.scan-balt.denmark.counties.nordjylland&m=3

from my mail box :-

>> I am taking care of the local archive for Gunderup parish, but of course I cannot garantee anything, but I can try.

The homepage of the archive is www.gunderupsogn.dk .

It might interestingfor the poeople over there..

<< tousand tak Norma

Hugh W

http://hughw36.blogspot.com GENEALOGE
http://jorvik.blogspot.com Viking
http://biog.blogspot.com Memories

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