> [Config.sys]
> >> Hvad står der ordret i den fil?
> >
> > hehe. Det kan være at jeg skriver indholdet senere, men efter at
> > pc'en virkede igen kunne jeg se at den henviser til himem.sys som
> > den skal og på det rette sted.
> Det vil sige at du godt kan starte Windows nu?
Nederst i dette indlæg har jeg lagt/pasted hvad nortons hjemmeside siger om
problemet (deres server er temmeligt belastet). Dels fordi at det ligner det
foreslag du har linket til og dels fordi at det godt kan være at jeg skulle
prøve de alternativer; at tilføje nogle linjer i config.sys og autoexec.bat.
Det prøver jeg faktisk, og håber at parameteren "1" i (/M:1) er den
rigtige, (1-17 problematikken. Jeg har ikke ret meget lyst til at prøve mig
frem til det rigtige tal

). Om de to tilføjelser virker, får jeg at se,
da jeg skal til at lave det hele engang til (backup image fil til cd). Der
også alternativet at prøve at slukke maskinen og vente 30 sekunder. Men det
er et lidt langt skud i tågen. Prøver derfor ikke dette alternativ men det
med blandt andet /M:1 .
Skulle det ikke virke har jeg nu fået mig lidt alternative løsninger at
vælge imellem, inclusive mit med at komme image cd'en i drevet inden
genstart. Om det var det der hjalp eller den varighed maskinen tilfældigvis
var slukket i, ved jeg ikke.
Jeg har fundet ud af, at til trods for at det er et yderst mystisk problem,
så kan jeg godt prøve mig frem til den rigtige løsning, om ikke andet. Og
bruge denne løsning på den anden pc, som programmet Norton ghost er
tilsigtet til.
Houston out!
"Thomas Madsen" <nospam@madsen.tdcadsl.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> david andreasen skrev:
> >> Ja, det ved jeg godt, men udfra din første fejlmeddelelse så
> >> synes jeg ikke at det lyder som dit problem.
> >
> > Nå! Den med A20 line? (bare svar med ja eller nej)
> Nej.
> Det med at opstarten siger at den ikke kan få kontakt med himem.sys.
> Det kan betyde at himem.sys mangler på disken eller også mangler
> henvisningen til himem.sys i config.sys. Det er selvfølgelig også
> muligt at der mangler en /M(*) switch efter Himem.sys i Config.sys,
> men det lyder underligt at den switch skulle forsvinde ved at lave
> et image med Norton Ghost, når man inde på Symantecs side kan finde
> en vejledning i hvordan man undgår fejlen netop ved at indsætte en
> /M switch i Config.sys.
> (*) <
> Bemærk i øvrigt:
> | This behavior may also occur if you have Norton Utilities or
> | Norton AntiVirus installed. For additional information, please see
> | the following Symantec Web site [link til web site som ikke virker].
> [Config.sys]
> >> Hvad står der ordret i den fil?
> >
> > hehe. Det kan være at jeg skriver indholdet senere, men efter at
> > pc'en virkede igen kunne jeg se at den henviser til himem.sys som
> > den skal og på det rette sted.
> Det vil sige at du godt kan starte Windows nu?
> --
> Med venlig hilsen
> Madsen.
Error: "Unable to control A20 line" when starting Ghost.exe
When you run Ghost.exe, you see the message "Causeway error 07: unable to
control A20 line."
This message indicates a problem with the Himem.sys file. If the problem
occurs after you "warm boot" the computer, it is usually eliminated by a
"cold boot." Before trying any of the following solutions, turn off the
computer, wait 30 seconds, and then turn the computer on again. Turning off
the computer flushes memory, which might allow the Himem.sys file to load
NOTE: For a detailed explanation of Himem.sys and warm and cold boots, see
"Technical explanation of the messages" later in this document.
This problem is most often caused by the computer's CPU using a nonstandard
type of memory management. To resolve this problem, add the lines
Device=A:\Himem.sys and Set DOS16M=2 to the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat
files, respectively. See the section "How to edit the Config.sys and
Autoexec.bat startup files" later in this document.
If adding those lines to the startup files does not resolve the problem,
check the following possibilities:
The Himem.sys file is not in the directory in which the computer expects to
find it.
Make sure that Himem.sys is in the same directory as Ghost.exe or in the
root of the bootable floppy disk from which you are running Ghost.
The Config.sys file is attempting to load the Himem.sys file more than once.
When the Config.sys file calls the Himem.sys file more than once, the
computer can become confused. In this case, edit the Config.sys file to
remove all references (calls) to Himem.sys except one.
The Himem.sys file is damaged.
Delete the copy of Himem.sys from the bootable floppy disk, and replace it
with a fresh copy from the same version of DOS.
How to edit the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat startup files
This procedure modifies the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files to accommodate
different types of memory handling used by the CPU.
Since a variety of memory handling methods are in use, you may need to
repeat this procedure several times to find the modification necessary for
the particular CPU on your computer, as described in Step 9.
To modify the startup files to accommodate different types of memory
Restart the computer.
Do one of the following:
For Windows 95: When the message "Starting Windows 95" appears, immediately
press F8. The Windows 95 Startup Menu appears.
For Windows 98: Hold down the Ctrl key after restarting the computer. The
Windows 98 Startup menu appears.
Select Safe Mode - Command Prompt Only and press Enter. The C: prompt
At the C: prompt, enter:
EDIT Autoexec.bat
The DOS Editor opens and displays the contents of the Autoexec.bat file.
At the beginning of the file, press enter to create a blank line, and then
type the following line:
This command increases reserved memory blocks from 1 to 2.
Press Alt+F, then X to exit the DOS Editor. When prompted to save the
changes, choose Yes and press Enter. The C: prompt appears.
At the C: prompt, enter:
EDIT Config.sys
The DOS Editor opens and displays the contents of the Config.sys file.
Locate the line loading Himem.sys. For example, it may read:
The name and location of the Windows program folder may be different on your
At the end of the line, type a space, and then type the following:
The line should now read:
DEVICE=C:\Windows\Himem.sys /M:1
If you do not have the Himem.sys line, add the line to the beginning of the
Note that the /M:1 line depends upon the hardware version of the A20
handler. You may need to try the numbers 1-17 (for instance, /M:12) to find
the correct version for the computer. PS/2 computers and Prolinea computers,
for example, tend to require /M:2 instead of /M:1.
Press Alt+F, then X to exit the DOS Editor. When prompted to save the
changes, select Yes and press Enter.
Restart the computer. It should now start normally.
If the problem is still not resolved
If none of these procedures resolved the problem, there may be physical
damage to some component of the computer, such as a bad memory chip.
Resolution of such issues is beyond the scope of this document.
Technical explanation of A20 messages
Himem.sys is a DOS program that enables access to the first 64 KB of
extended memory, called "high memory." Although Windows is an operating
system, it needs this file because Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows 98
are not "standalone" operating systems. They require the Disk Operating
System (DOS) to load and run.
During computer startup, the computer first starts up in DOS. Once DOS is
loaded and the computer has access to high memory, Windows can then load. If
the computer does not have access to high memory, Windows cannot load and
the computer will display A20 messages.
The number A20 refers to the "line" of the CPU that must be enabled in order
for Himem.sys to access the high memory area. The A20 error occurs when the
A20 line is not enabled.
Warm boot
A "warm boot" means restarting the computer without first turning off the
power. In DOS, a computer can be warm booted by using the Reset button or by
pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.
Cold boot
A "cold boot" means starting the computer by turning on the power.
Generally, after turning off the power, wait 5 to 30 seconds before turning
on the power again. This allows time for the hard disk to fully power down
before restarting it and time for old information to "drain" from the
Product(s): Norton Ghost 2000 Personal Edition, Norton Ghost 2001, Norton
Ghost 2002, Norton Ghost 6.0 Enterprise, Norton Ghost 6.0 Standard, Symantec
Ghost 6.5, Symantec Ghost 7.0, Symantec Ghost 7.5, Norton Ghost 2003
Operating System(s): DOS
Date Created: 28-08-2000