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Niels Andreas Buchwaldt Lund - Ringkøbing ~
Fra : JHS

Dato : 17-09-03 19:50

I need some help in translation of the following
two documents, Krigstid and Veje. These paper
documents were sent to me from the Holstebro
Lokalhistorisk Arkiv.

Niels is the brother of my great great grandfather.
Møller Lund, his father, is Henrik Sørensen Lund,
born in Kalundborg.

I also have several more documents about
Henrik which need translating.
Volunteers would be appreciated.

I scanned the paper document and then ran the
image file through my OCR program (ReadIris 7.5).
ReadIris is able to read Danish so these 2 documents
needed very little correction.
Still, I may have missed some errors.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Jim Sindberg
PO Box 6144
Vancouver WA USA 98668

- Krigstid -
Så var det en mere regulær måde møller Lunds
26årige søn - Niels Andreas Buchvald Lund - undgik
militærtjenesten på, idet han allerede i 1854 var
emigreret til Amerika, hvor han stadig var i 1863.

- Veje -
Den første emigrant fra Råsted var en af møller
Lunds sønner: Niels Andreas Buchwaldt Lund,
der så tidligt som i 1860 havde adresse hos
O.C. Olsen i byen Dayton i staten Ohio i Midtvesten.
At betragte Niels som en ung mand med en
ubetvingelig fremdrift, der kun lod sig udvikle
på de store prærier, er ifølge et brev fra faderen
til etatsråd Tang på Nørre Vosborg af den 24.februar
1860 lovlig optimistisk. Ifølge brevet havde sønnen
nu skrevet til faderen og bedt ham sende penge
over til sig, da han var blevet blind!
Møller Lunds kommentar hertil var:
"De ved Hr.Etatsraad, hvor ofte mine Forhaabninger
ere standsede, med Hensyn til mine Sønner, og hvor
ofte jeg af dem er ført bag Lyset. Detforundrer Dem
vist ikke, at jeg er forsigtig med, at yde dem Assistance
da det hidentil ingen nytte har været, hvad jeg med
den største Beredvillighed har givet. Skulde det
imidlertid virkelig være Tilfældet, vilde jeg endnu
med den bedste Villie understøtte ham efter Evne,
men jeg nærer en Frygt at alt er Usandhed, men
kuns for at berøve mig mine Penge, som De jo ved
ere faae jeg har at undvære, har opfundet denne
Historie for at bevæge mig tif a sende ham det jeg
kan undvære".'6)
Niels Lund har sikkert været noget af en verdensmand,
for før han emigrerede til Amerika, havde han været
i England. I 1852 bevilgedes han en af de fire fripladser
som generalkonsul Westenholtz i London finansierede
for unge mænd i Ringkøbing amt, der ønskede at
studere kvægfedning i korthornskvægets hjemland.
Efter den tur har horisonten i Råsted og omegn været
for kort for den åbenbart lidt vidtløftige Niels.

Mikkel Eide Eriksen (18-09-2003)
Fra : Mikkel Eide Eriksen

Dato : 18-09-03 00:13

JHS <pops2000@pobox.com> wrote in message news:<ou9hmv4lgl6rdudo56jkpjlqac9et7c90c@4ax.com>...
> I need some help in translation of the following
> two documents, Krigstid and Veje. These paper
> documents were sent to me from the Holstebro
> Lokalhistorisk Arkiv.
> - Krigstid -


- Wartime -
In comparison, it was in a more regular fashion that the 26 year old
son of miller Lund - Niels Andreas Buchvalt Lund - avoided military
service, seeing as he had emigrated to America already in 1854, where
he still was in 1863.

- Ways -
The first emigrant from Råsted was one of the sons of miller Lund:
Niels Andreas Buckwaldt Lund, who as early as 1860 had his address at
O.C. Olsen in the city Dayton in Ohio state in the Mid West.
Considering Niels as a young man with an unstoppable progress that
only developed on the grand praries, is rather optimistic, according
to a letter from the father to councillor Tang at Nørre Vosborg from
February 24, 1860. According to the letter, the son had now written to
the father and asked for money, as he had now gone blind!
Miller Lund's comment to this was:
"You are aware, Mr.Councillor, how often my hopes are stopped,
regarding my sons, and how often I have been fooled by them. I trust
you don't wonder why I hesitate in giving them assistance, as what I
have given in my ready helpfulness has been of no use so far. Should
it be the case [that he has become blind], I will support him with the
best of will and to my ability, but I fear that all is untrue, only to
rob me of my money - you know how few I can afford - that the story
has been made up to move me to sending him what I can afford.'6)
Niels Lund was probably rather worldly, as he had been in England
before he emigrated to America. In 1852, he was granted one of the
four places that General Consul Westenholtz of London financed for
young men from Ringkøbing County who wished to study the fattening of
cattle in the homeland of the short-horned cattle.
After that trip, the horizon of Råsted and surroundings had become too
short for the apparently slightly imaginative Niels.

This is as accurate as I can do it right now, as I don't have a
dictionary with me at the moment. The letter-section is spelled in an
old-fashion, but I've translated it as if it was written now. Also,
the sentences were rather long, but I did not split them up, trying to
keep the translation as accurate as possible.

Mikkel Eide Eriksen

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