Malene wrote:
> Jeg fporstår bare stadigvæk ikke, hvorfor det lige er Turner-blod der
> skal bruges? Det bliver slet ikke forklaret ordentligt, synes jeg.
> Hvis de har slået Bill "ihjel" uretfærdigt, hvordan skal det så gøre
> det godt igen at bruge hans søns blod? Og hvad har Turnerblod
> egentlig med forbandelsen at gøre - som var blevet kastet over guldet
> længe før piraterne fandt det?
de skal ALLE give et blodoffer når de leverer guldet tilbage....
alle piraterne har tidligere givet deres blod da de leverede guldet tilbage,
og det samme gjorde Jack Sparrow da han kastede dublonen til Will......
alle der stjæler fra Aztekernes guld skal levere guldet tilbage med et
blodoffer ;)
det er beskrevet her:
The thing with the blood is a bit hard to get, but once you get it, it makes
sense. All of the pirates that took a piece of gold out of the chest have to
repay the blood. If you know about Aztec mythology, most of the Aztec gods
were big on human sacrifices, and offerings of blood. Since it was Aztec
gold, and they said in the movie that the "Heathen Gods" placed a curse upon
the gold, it would be the Aztec gods. So giving the blood back is a ritual
to appease the gods, and lift the curse. Since the pirates admitted to
sinking Will's father, they need the next closest thing to his blood, which
would be his direct decendant, his only son, Will. If you really want to get
into it, Will's father took a piece of the gold, sent it to Will, and then
the crew of 'The Pearl' sunk him to the bottom of the ocean. If he took some
gold, he was cursed and couldn't actually die when he sunk. So in essence,
when Will lifted the curse, he inadvertently killed his own father, who was
on the bottom of the ocean, cursed, and unable to die. But once the curse
was lifted, he would have drowned!
> Men ++++ for
> Johnny drengens optræden! det hele værd ...
Knus Sabina
Danmarks førende mandeportal.