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Danish national service
Fra : NickWKG

Dato : 27-08-03 12:42

Apologies for this English post!

Hi all,

I'm a Danish citizen who's lived in England from a very young age, and
doesn't speak Danish as a result. In an attempt to rectify this, I
plan to move to Denmark next year, but I'm worried that I may have to
do national service even though I'm now 26 years old. Does anyone know
if I have anything to worry about?


Uffe Kousgaard (27-08-2003)
Fra : Uffe Kousgaard

Dato : 27-08-03 13:34

Try here fvr@fvr.dk if you don't get a reply in the group.

"NickWKG" <nickwkg@my-deja.com> wrote in message
> Apologies for this English post!
> Hi all,
> I'm a Danish citizen who's lived in England from a very young age, and
> doesn't speak Danish as a result. In an attempt to rectify this, I
> plan to move to Denmark next year, but I'm worried that I may have to
> do national service even though I'm now 26 years old. Does anyone know
> if I have anything to worry about?
> Cheers,
> Nick

Carsten Riis (27-08-2003)
Fra : Carsten Riis

Dato : 27-08-03 14:37

NickWKG wrote:
> Apologies for this English post!
And I apologies for my poor english. I hope you understand.

> I'm a Danish citizen who's lived in England from a very young age, and
> doesn't speak Danish as a result. In an attempt to rectify this, I
> plan to move to Denmark next year, but I'm worried that I may have to
> do national service even though I'm now 26 years old. Does anyone know
> if I have anything to worry about?

As far as I know, then will you not have to do National Service.

According to http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCM_/ACCN/A20020047029-REGL

§§27-30 tells about rules of nottodo NS.

Besides that, there are som practical problems for you to do NS in the
Communication problems, ageproblems and several other things that will
make your NS not so good for you, your group or the military.

BUT there are more ways to do National Service then in the military. I
have no ideas about that, there are other rules there I think.
If you understand danish then you can find more information on

Med venlig hilsen Carsten Riis
Vær med til at redde liv ca. 4 gange om året

Henning Makholm (27-08-2003)
Fra : Henning Makholm

Dato : 27-08-03 17:08

Scripsit Carsten Riis <cr@carben.dk>
> NickWKG wrote:

> > I'm a Danish citizen who's lived in England from a very young age, and
> > doesn't speak Danish as a result. In an attempt to rectify this, I

Excellent plan! Do consider dropping by in the language group
dk.kultur.sprog. We have had several expatriates participating in
order to brush up their Danish skills; they tend to be good sources of
interesting discussions.

> > plan to move to Denmark next year, but I'm worried that I may have to
> > do national service even though I'm now 26 years old. Does anyone know
> > if I have anything to worry about?

> As far as I know, then will you not have to do National Service.
> According to http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCM_/ACCN/A20020047029-REGL
> §§27-30 tells about rules of nottodo NS.

I fail to see how to deduce that from the sections you cite. §27 says
that the "session" (examination to see whether one is fit for military
service - whatever that is called in English) cannot usually be
postponed beyond the year in which one's 26th birthday falls. However,
this does not seem to be directly applicable for Nick.

The relevant sections would rather be

§13 - apparently the duty to show up at the "session" only applies to
men who are resident in Denmark in they year of their 18th
birthday. (?)

§18 stk 2 - someone who has not been at the "session" before his's 30th
birthday is automatically excempt.


§1 stk 2 - people with dual citenships *may* be exempt. According to
http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCM_/ACCN/C19550013209-REGL, for
Danish-UK citizens this applies only to people who has already
done service in the UK. (Though what excatly this means given that
the UK does not afaik have conscription is not clear to me).

Even more relevant may be the corresponding statuory instrument:


where §3 stk 3 (1) seems to imply that Nick *must* meet at the first
session after he's moved to Denmark.

> Besides that, there are som practical problems for you to do NS in the
> military.

Yes, it is possible that the language problem may lead to Nick being
considered unfit for Danish service.

Henning Makholm "Al lykken er i ét ord: Overvægtig!"

Carsten Riis (27-08-2003)
Fra : Carsten Riis

Dato : 27-08-03 19:43

Henning Makholm wrote:
Jeg svarer altså på dansk.

> I fail to see how to deduce that from the sections you cite. §27 says
> that the "session" (examination to see whether one is fit for military
> service - whatever that is called in English) cannot usually be
> postponed beyond the year in which one's 26th birthday falls. However,
> this does not seem to be directly applicable for Nick.

Tja, som jeg læser paragraffen, så får udsættelse til
værnepligtstjenesten (hvilket er andet end session), hvis man er ældre
end 26+restenafdetårmanfylder26.
§ 27. Udskrevne værnepligtige kan gives udsættelse med møde til den
første samlede tjeneste indtil udgangen af det år, i hvilket de fylder
26 år, når de godtgør, at udsættelsen af hensyn til deres uddannelse
eller af andre grunde vil være af særlig betydning for dem.

En ///udskreven værnepligtig/// er en person, der på sessionen er fundet
eget til værnepligtstjeneste.

Vedkommende kan så søge udsættelse indtil det år vedkommende fylder 26.

Tænk lige over hvorfor man måtte have en sådan bestemmelse....Den har
man fordi man ikke ønsker nogen "halvgamle" som værnepligtige soldater.
Den værnepligtiges overordnede (sergeanter og løjtnanter) kan være
væsentlig yngre....Og der er altså nogen mekanismer som gør, at man
altså er knap så motiveret overfor en person der i princippet kan være
teenager, selvom vinkler og stjerner er sat rigtig.

Når alt kommer til alt i den aktuelle situation, så er vi jo enige om at
Nick ikke kommer i trøjen, medmindre han selv søger om det (hvilket han
jo ikke vil).

Med venlig hilsen Carsten Riis
Vær med til at redde liv ca. 4 gange om året

Jens (27-08-2003)
Fra : Jens

Dato : 27-08-03 20:42

Carsten Riis <cr@carben.dk> wrote:

> Når alt kommer til alt i den aktuelle situation, så er vi jo enige om at
> Nick ikke kommer i trøjen, medmindre han selv søger om det (hvilket han
> jo ikke vil).

Hvor finder du belæg for den opfattelse, at Nick ikke skal stille på
session når han kommer til Danmark, hvorefter han kan indkaldes?

Jeg kan godt se mulighederne for fritagelse, men ikke at resultatet
skulle være givet på forhånd.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on Usenet and in e-mail?

Carsten Riis (27-08-2003)
Fra : Carsten Riis

Dato : 27-08-03 21:37

Jens wrote:

> Hvor finder du belæg for den opfattelse, at Nick ikke skal stille på
> session når han kommer til Danmark, hvorefter han kan indkaldes?

.......but I'm worried that I may have to do national service even though
I'm now 26 years old.....

Nu er jeg ikke så skrap til engelsk, men jeg mener at /worried/ betyder

Med venlig hilsen Carsten Riis
Vær med til at redde liv ca. 4 gange om året

Jens (28-08-2003)
Fra : Jens

Dato : 28-08-03 05:54

Carsten Riis <cr@carben.dk> wrote:

> Jens wrote:
> > Hvor finder du belæg for den opfattelse, at Nick ikke skal stille
> > på session når han kommer til Danmark, hvorefter han kan
> > indkaldes?
> ......but I'm worried that I may have to do national service even
> though I'm now 26 years old.....
> Nu er jeg ikke så skrap til engelsk, men jeg mener at /worried/
> betyder /bekymret/.

Jeg er ikke uenig i betydningen af /worried/. Men jeg læser din
bemærkning tidligere i tråden:

> Når alt kommer til alt i den aktuelle situation, så er vi jo enige om
> at Nick ikke kommer i trøjen, medmindre han selv søger om det
> (hvilket han jo ikke vil).

....som udtryk for, at Nick ikke behøver at være bekymret for at blive
indkaldt - medmindre han selv søger om det.

Jeg har svært ved at se, hvor enigheden skulle komme fra, idet jeg anser
det for overvejende sandsynligt at Nick vil blive indkaldt, hvis han
flytter til Danmark inden han fylder 30, medmindre han ansøger
om - og får bevilget - fritagelse.

Jeg kan godt se mulighederne for fritagelse, men ikke at resultatet
skulle være givet på forhånd. Derfor spørgsmålet om, hvor du finder
belæg for opfattelsen om, at Nick ikke skal stille på session når han
kommer til Danmark, hvorefter han kan indkaldes.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on Usenet and in e-mail?

Carsten Riis (28-08-2003)
Fra : Carsten Riis

Dato : 28-08-03 08:54

Jens wrote:
> Jeg har svært ved at se, hvor enigheden skulle komme fra, idet jeg anser
> det for overvejende sandsynligt at Nick vil blive indkaldt,......
Det er langt fra sandsynlig.

Prøv at se på mandens sprogkundskaber... Tror du selv at vil være i
stand til at forstå tjenestelige ordrer? Tror du selv, at han ville
kunne klare sig socialt i et soldatermiljø (det jeg kender er hårdt for
dem der falder lidt udenfor)?
Og set i lyset af hans alder og personlige ønsker, så vil jeg nu mene,
at sessionskomiteen (eller hvad den nu hedder) tager højde for hans

Og derudover kender vi ikke noget til Nicks helbred el. tidligere
Eller hvad med straffeattester...Dem kender vi heller ikke noget til.

> Jeg kan godt se mulighederne for fritagelse, men ikke at resultatet
> skulle være givet på forhånd.

Se på mandens sprogkundskaber.

> Derfor spørgsmålet om, hvor du finder
> belæg for opfattelsen om, at Nick ikke skal stille på session når han
> kommer til Danmark,

Det har jeg ikke taget stilling til i tidligere indlæg.

Alene /militær værnepligt/.
Session har intet med værnepligten at gøre udover, at man afgør hvordan
værnepligten kan opfyldes.
Hvis du ser ordentlig efter, så afholdes sessionen ikke engang af
forsvarsministeriet, men af en "underafdeling" af sundheds-og

> hvorefter han kan indkaldes.

Manden skal til session (såvidt jeg kan læse bestemmelserne).

På sessionen skal han findes egnet til tjeneste.
På sessionen er der en række kundskabs-prøver i dansk og matematik, der
skal klares tilfredsstillende (der er så ikke de store krav til

Danskprøven vil nok vise, at han ikke egner sig til tjeneste i
Måske endda det, at han ikke kan forstå prøverne gør udslaget.

Har du tænkt over det?

Med venlig hilsen Carsten Riis
Vær med til at redde liv ca. 4 gange om året

Jens (28-08-2003)
Fra : Jens

Dato : 28-08-03 20:19

Carsten Riis <cr@carben.dk> wrote:

> Jens wrote:
> >
> > Jeg har svært ved at se, hvor enigheden skulle komme fra, idet jeg anser
> > det for overvejende sandsynligt at Nick vil blive indkaldt,......
> >
> Det er langt fra sandsynlig.
> Prøv at se på mandens sprogkundskaber... Tror du selv at vil være i
> stand til at forstå tjenestelige ordrer?

---snip en række begrundelser for at Nick ikke vil blive indkaldt---

Du hævdede en enighed, som ikke er til stede.

Jeg er holdt op med at gætte på, hvad en forvaltningsmyndigheds
afgørelse vil være i en konkret sag. Jeg har den opfattelse, at
afgørelsen ikke er givet på forhånd.

> > Derfor spørgsmålet om, hvor du finder
> > belæg for opfattelsen om, at Nick ikke skal stille på session når han
> > kommer til Danmark,
> Det har jeg ikke taget stilling til i tidligere indlæg.

Det ville være fornuftigt at gøre det. Det er nemlig dér resten af
forløbet afgøres.

> Alene /militær værnepligt/.

Var det da ikke dig der skrev:

BUT there are more ways to do National Service then in the military. I
have no ideas about that, there are other rules there I think.
If you understand danish then you can find more information on

> Hvis du ser ordentlig efter, så afholdes sessionen ikke engang af
> forsvarsministeriet, men af en "underafdeling" af sundheds-og
> indenrigministeriet.

Og? (Hvilken relevans tillægger du den oplysning?)

> På sessionen er der en række kundskabs-prøver i dansk og matematik, der
> skal klares tilfredsstillende (der er så ikke de store krav til
> tilfredsstillende).
> Danskprøven vil nok vise, at han ikke egner sig til tjeneste i
> militæret.
> Måske endda det, at han ikke kan forstå prøverne gør udslaget.
> Har du tænkt over det?

Jeg finder ikke anledning til at spekulere i mulige/sandsynlige
resultater af sessionsbehandlingen. Det centrale i sagen er, at Nick i
den udstrækning han bosætter sig i Danmark før han fylder 30, skal
påregne at stille på session - og affinde sig med resultatet.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on Usenet and in e-mail?

Carsten Riis (28-08-2003)
Fra : Carsten Riis

Dato : 28-08-03 21:09

Jens wrote:
> Jeg er holdt op med at gætte på, hvad en forvaltningsmyndigheds
> afgørelse vil være i en konkret sag. Jeg har den opfattelse, at
> afgørelsen ikke er givet på forhånd.
Prøv lige at abonnere på news:dk.velkommen, hvor en venlig sjæl har
spurgt overpræsidet om problemstillingen.

Svaret - hvis jeg må have lov til at pudse mit egen glorie - at være i
overensstemmelse med hvad jeg hele tiden har sagt.

Såfremt hans sprogkundskaber ikke er tilstrækkelige, så vil han ikke
blive indkaldt til militær værnepligt.

> >
> > > Derfor spørgsmålet om, hvor du finder
> > > belæg for opfattelsen om, at Nick ikke skal stille på session når han
> > > kommer til Danmark,
> >
> > Det har jeg ikke taget stilling til i tidligere indlæg.
> Det ville være fornuftigt at gøre det. Det er nemlig dér resten af
> forløbet afgøres.
Naturligvis kommer manden til session....Har der været tvivl om det?

Manden spurgte til den militære værnepligt. Og det er det som jeg
svarede på.

> > Alene /militær værnepligt/.
> Var det da ikke dig der skrev:
> BUT there are more ways to do National Service then in the military. I
> have no ideas about that, there are other rules there I think.
> If you understand danish then you can find more information on
> http://www.im.dk/Index/mainstart.asp?o=5&n=1&h=7&s=4

Jep, der gør jeg opmærksom på, at der er en måde at aftjene værnepligten
på en ikke-militær vis.
Og jeg ikke er sikker på, hvilke regler der gælder der.

> > Hvis du ser ordentlig efter, så afholdes sessionen ikke engang af
> > forsvarsministeriet, men af en "underafdeling" af sundheds-og
> > indenrigministeriet.
> Og? (Hvilken relevans tillægger du den oplysning?)

At militær værnepligt og session er to forskellige former for skotøj
(støvler og sko, så at sige).

> Jeg finder ikke anledning til at spekulere i mulige/sandsynlige
> resultater af sessionsbehandlingen. Det centrale i sagen er, at Nick i
> den udstrækning han bosætter sig i Danmark før han fylder 30, skal
> påregne at stille på session.

Der er dog ikke det som Nick er bekymret for.

> - og affinde sig med resultatet.

Ja, og der findes allerede klare regler på området.

Er han klar til militær værnepligt jf. dansk og matematikkundskaber?
Er han klar til militær værnepligt pga helbredet?
Trækker han de rigtige numre i "lotteriet"?

Hvis ovenstående kan besvares med ja, så skal han ind og springe.
Hvis bare et af ovenstående besvares med nej, så skal han ikke ind og

(lad os se bort fra, at han melder sig frivillig, da han ikke er
interesseret i det).

Med venlig hilsen Carsten Riis
Vær med til at redde liv ca. 4 gange om året

NickWKG (28-08-2003)
Fra : NickWKG

Dato : 28-08-03 13:43

Henning Makholm <henning@makholm.net> wrote in message news:<yahn0dv5biv.fsf@ask.diku.dk>...
> Scripsit Carsten Riis <cr@carben.dk>
> > NickWKG wrote:
> > > plan to move to Denmark next year, but I'm worried that I may have to
> > > do national service even though I'm now 26 years old. Does anyone know
> > > if I have anything to worry about?
> > As far as I know, then will you not have to do National Service.
> > According to http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCM_/ACCN/A20020047029-REGL
> > §§27-30 tells about rules of nottodo NS.
> I fail to see how to deduce that from the sections you cite. §27 says
> that the "session" (examination to see whether one is fit for military
> service - whatever that is called in English) cannot usually be
> postponed beyond the year in which one's 26th birthday falls. However,
> this does not seem to be directly applicable for Nick.
> The relevant sections would rather be
> §13 - apparently the duty to show up at the "session" only applies to
> men who are resident in Denmark in they year of their 18th
> birthday. (?)

Ahh. That counts me out then, surely?

> §18 stk 2 - someone who has not been at the "session" before his's 30th
> birthday is automatically excempt.
> also
> §1 stk 2 - people with dual citenships *may* be exempt. According to
> http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCM_/ACCN/C19550013209-REGL, for
> Danish-UK citizens this applies only to people who has already
> done service in the UK. (Though what excatly this means given that
> the UK does not afaik have conscription is not clear to me).

Nope, I'm not dual-citizen, just Danish - apparently the dual
citizenship laws between Denmark and the UK changed a couple of years
after I was born.

> Even more relevant may be the corresponding statuory instrument:
> http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCM_/ACCN/B19990078005-REGL
> where §3 stk 3 (1) seems to imply that Nick *must* meet at the first
> session after he's moved to Denmark.

<gulp /> What happens if I don't? Can you get in trouble if you miss
it by mistake?

Henning Makholm (28-08-2003)
Fra : Henning Makholm

Dato : 28-08-03 14:05

Scripsit nickwkg@my-deja.com (NickWKG)
> Henning Makholm <henning@makholm.net> wrote

> > The relevant sections would rather be

> > §13 - apparently the duty to show up at the "session" only applies to
> > men who are resident in Denmark in they year of their 18th
> > birthday. (?)

> Ahh. That counts me out then, surely?

I'm not quite sure about the interpretation. The section basically
says that it does apply to 18-year old resident men. It does not
explicitly say that this is an exhaustive characterization.

> > Even more relevant may be the corresponding statuory instrument:

> > http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCM_/ACCN/B19990078005-REGL

> > where §3 stk 3 (1) seems to imply that Nick *must* meet at the first
> > session after he's moved to Denmark.

> <gulp /> What happens if I don't? Can you get in trouble if you miss
> it by mistake?

In principle you can - but in practise they will send out orders to
meet at a specifc date and time by paper mail, based on the register
of inhabitants.

(Btw: is it correctly understood that the UK has no parallel to the
Nordic "register of inhabitants"? Recently moved from Denmark to
Scotland, I'm having quite a bit of trouble locating a local authority
to which to formally declare that I've taken up residence).

Henning Makholm "Den nyttige hjemmedatamat er og forbliver en myte.
Generelt kan der ikke peges på databehandlingsopgaver af
en sådan størrelsesorden og af en karaktér, som berettiger
forestillingerne om den nye hjemme- og husholdningsteknologi."

NickWKG (28-08-2003)
Fra : NickWKG

Dato : 28-08-03 21:06

Henning Makholm <henning@makholm.net> wrote in message news:<yah7k4yszku.fsf@ask.diku.dk>...
> (Btw: is it correctly understood that the UK has no parallel to the
> Nordic "register of inhabitants"? Recently moved from Denmark to
> Scotland, I'm having quite a bit of trouble locating a local authority
> to which to formally declare that I've taken up residence).

I don't think so (but Scotland may be different to England). I think
that when you move into a house/flat, the estate agent will alert the
local council so that you can be taxed. If you need an NHS (National
Health Service) doctor, you must prove that you live where you say you
do (ie they do not share information).

Has the local council sent you a council tax letter? - I'm sure
they'll recognise you when they want to tax you! :D

Carsten Riis (28-08-2003)
Fra : Carsten Riis

Dato : 28-08-03 14:45

NickWKG wrote:
> <gulp /> What happens if I don't?

Don't gulp (whatever that means anyway )

The "session" is about testing your abilities to understand danish and
mathematics on a simpel level (I think in the English school system
there is A-level and O-level. Where A-level is the highest). The level
in this tests are on what I think will be compared to O-level.
During the session there is also a medicaltests (ears, eyes, knees and
so on) to see if you are fit to do NS.
And the next step is that you have talk to some people about your wishes
to do NS.
Just after this talk you take a number in a kind of lottery-tombola.
This number tell if you have to go or not.
When you during all the testing have "failed" one of the test, then the
failed test will overrule the number drawn.

Since you don't not understand written danish, then you are not able to
do the test on a satisfying way.
The mathematics should not be som problem (unless you using som other
calculatingsystem in the UK
If you have any medicalproblems then tell it to the doctor whos is
examen you and have some documentation if it is not possible to exam in
the 5-10 minutes the medicalexam will take. If you have eg. weak knee
that hurt only under pressure or it will hurt when you do sports, then
have some documenation from your own doctor. When you have no
documentation, then it only will be noticed but propably not taken under
consideration (they here a lot of excuses for not have to do NS).

> Can you get in trouble if you miss
> it by mistake?

It is possible that you will be taken to "session" by police.

But why don't try a danish tradition what every male in Denmark have to

They don't torture you or something like that.
It can be quite fun as well.

Med venlig hilsen Carsten Riis
Vær med til at redde liv ca. 4 gange om året

NickWKG (28-08-2003)
Fra : NickWKG

Dato : 28-08-03 21:21

Carsten Riis <cr@carben.dk> wrote in message news:<3F4E075C.1B849638@carben.dk>...
> NickWKG wrote:
> >
> > <gulp /> What happens if I don't?
> Don't gulp (whatever that means anyway )

It's the noise your throat makes when you swallow hard.

> Since you don't not understand written danish, then you are not able to
> do the test on a satisfying way.
> The mathematics should not be som problem (unless you using som other
> calculatingsystem in the UK

Well, the British education system is not ideal, but hopefully I'll
pass :)

> > Can you get in trouble if you miss
> > it by mistake?
> It is possible that you will be taken to "session" by police.
> But why don't try a danish tradition what every male in Denmark have to
> do.
> They don't torture you or something like that.
> It can be quite fun as well.

I'm sure it can, but I think I would learn Danish better in normal
society rather than in an army camp. Alternatively I could learn a few
Danish words very well in the army. I can think of three words off
"Left, Right, Left, Right, Attention" :)

Carsten Riis (28-08-2003)
Fra : Carsten Riis

Dato : 28-08-03 22:32

NickWKG wrote:
> I'm sure it can, but I think I would learn Danish better in normal
> society rather than in an army camp.

Please understand: I am not talking about National service could be
fun. I am talking about session.

Session is not done by the military! It is done by the Office of
Domestics Affairs (indenrigsministeriet)

There are alot of UrbanLegends about session.
Here are three of them:
1: As standard: You will be yelled at from the first step you make in
the room.
2: You have to be naked in front of the draft board
3: you have nothing to say at all
My answer: BS!

Session is just like the exams you have made trough your education.
There are writen exams, the are verbal exams, there is a medicalexam and
there is a portion of luck in it as well.
And through the process it is quite peacefull atmosphere. All of the
employees you will meet at the session (officeworkers, doctors,
politicians, even the officer can smile in an civilian way). They have
done sessions hundreds of times maybe thousands.

The "IQ-tests" will be supervised by some civilian officeworkers
(clerks???), which only see if you do the tests by yourself. They don't
care you how well you do them.
Nothing is decided after this tests only.

The Doctor is a local civilian doctor who only will check your body for
things that could harm you, IF you will be drafted.
Nothing is decided by this medicalexam (right word???) only.

When you talk to the people at the draft board, there will be one
military officer (rank: captain and above); One local politician; and
two or three other people all of them civilians.
This talk will be about your "IQ-tests"; your medicalexam and also what
you want. This will take about 5-10 minutes...
This talk decided nothing only.

And If I remember right, then you will be send out so that they can
discuss their point of view.
You will called in again, where their decision will be told to you.
This decision is temporarly!

You have to take a number i the "lotterytombola". This number (The
number itself decides....guess... nothing) will combined with the
temporarly decision be converted to one of these two:

A: A final decision. Either you be drafted or not
B: A new temporarly decision. The board is not sure that you performed
the best you could or they want to test you again.

As far I know from the information you gave us: In your case there will
be a final decision. You will not be drafted because of your lack of
danish skills.

Is that clear now? Please ask if I have not made my self clear about
this now?

> Alternatively I could learn a few
> Danish words very well in the army.

there is also a nother aspect of National Service: You can learn a lot
danish (also something you can use after doing duty). In a speed where
no civilcourse can compare. Cause: you are forced to communicate and
work together with your buddy/group/platoon. The tasks shall be done and
then you learn it. And if your superiors can handle it well then you
will learn danish quite faster then you think.
This is not an option in your case because you - according to the
information you have giving us - danish skills not are good enough to
even enter the military.

> I can think of three words off
> hand:
> "Left, Right, Left, Right, Attention" :)

venstre, højre, venstre, højre, giv agt!

This word will only be used the first weeks....after that it will be
counting 1-2-3-4. And after that again you do not need counting at

Med venlig hilsen Carsten Riis
Vær med til at redde liv ca. 4 gange om året

NickWKG (29-08-2003)
Fra : NickWKG

Dato : 29-08-03 09:36

Carsten Riis <cr@carben.dk> wrote in message news:<3F4E74EC.6725FD01@carben.dk>...
> NickWKG wrote:
> >
> > I'm sure it can, but I think I would learn Danish better in normal
> > society rather than in an army camp.
> Please understand: I am not talking about National service could be
> fun. I am talking about session.

My mistake - I misunderstood "session" to be national service.

> Session is not done by the military! It is done by the Office of
> Domestics Affairs (indenrigsministeriet)
> There are alot of UrbanLegends about session.
> Here are three of them:
> 1: As standard: You will be yelled at from the first step you make in
> the room.
> 2: You have to be naked in front of the draft board
> 3: you have nothing to say at all
> My answer: BS!
> Session is just like the exams you have made trough your education.
> There are writen exams, the are verbal exams, there is a medicalexam and
> there is a portion of luck in it as well.
> And through the process it is quite peacefull atmosphere. All of the
> employees you will meet at the session (officeworkers, doctors,
> politicians, even the officer can smile in an civilian way). They have
> done sessions hundreds of times maybe thousands.
> The "IQ-tests" will be supervised by some civilian officeworkers
> (clerks???), which only see if you do the tests by yourself. They don't
> care you how well you do them.
> Nothing is decided after this tests only.
> The Doctor is a local civilian doctor who only will check your body for
> things that could harm you, IF you will be drafted.
> Nothing is decided by this medicalexam (right word???) only.
> When you talk to the people at the draft board, there will be one
> military officer (rank: captain and above); One local politician; and
> two or three other people all of them civilians.
> This talk will be about your "IQ-tests"; your medicalexam and also what
> you want. This will take about 5-10 minutes...
> This talk decided nothing only.
> And If I remember right, then you will be send out so that they can
> discuss their point of view.
> You will called in again, where their decision will be told to you.
> This decision is temporarly!
> You have to take a number i the "lotterytombola". This number (The
> number itself decides....guess... nothing) will combined with the
> temporarly decision be converted to one of these two:
> A: A final decision. Either you be drafted or not
> B: A new temporarly decision. The board is not sure that you performed
> the best you could or they want to test you again.
> As far I know from the information you gave us: In your case there will
> be a final decision. You will not be drafted because of your lack of
> danish skills.
> Is that clear now? Please ask if I have not made my self clear about
> this now?

Perfectly clear, but it wasn't the test (session) that I was worried
about, but rather me getting into trouble for accidentally missing it.
From what you and others have said here, I don't think I have anything
to worry about.

> > Alternatively I could learn a few
> > Danish words very well in the army.
> there is also a nother aspect of National Service: You can learn a lot
> danish (also something you can use after doing duty). In a speed where
> no civilcourse can compare. Cause: you are forced to communicate and
> work together with your buddy/group/platoon. The tasks shall be done and
> then you learn it. And if your superiors can handle it well then you
> will learn danish quite faster then you think.

This makes it sound quite appealing from the persopective of wanting
to learn the language quickly. The best way to learn a language is to
be completely immersed in it, but I've noticed that many Danes will
try to help/practice their language skills by speaking English as soon
as they hear your accent. I will just have to keep repeating "Jeg
taeler ikke Engelsk"!

> This is not an option in your case because you - according to the
> information you have giving us - danish skills not are good enough to
> even enter the military.
> > I can think of three words off
> > hand:
> > "Left, Right, Left, Right, Attention" :)
> venstre, højre, venstre, højre, giv agt!
> This word will only be used the first weeks....after that it will be
> counting 1-2-3-4. And after that again you do not need counting at
> all.

NickWKG (27-08-2003)
Fra : NickWKG

Dato : 27-08-03 20:49

Carsten Riis <cr@carben.dk> wrote in message news:<3F4CB3E5.B183CD21@carben.dk>...
> NickWKG wrote:
> >
> > Apologies for this English post!
> >
> And I apologies for my poor english. I hope you understand.

Don't worry, your English is fine :)

> > I'm a Danish citizen who's lived in England from a very young age, and
> > doesn't speak Danish as a result. In an attempt to rectify this, I
> > plan to move to Denmark next year, but I'm worried that I may have to
> > do national service even though I'm now 26 years old. Does anyone know
> > if I have anything to worry about?
> As far as I know, then will you not have to do National Service.
> According to
> http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCM_/ACCN/A20020047029-REGL
> §§27-30 tells about rules of nottodo NS.
> Besides that, there are som practical problems for you to do NS in the
> military.
> Communication problems, ageproblems and several other things that will
> make your NS not so good for you, your group or the military.
> BUT there are more ways to do National Service then in the military. I
> have no ideas about that, there are other rules there I think.
> If you understand danish then you can find more information on
> http://www.im.dk/Index/mainstart.asp?o=5&n=1&h=7&s=4

Brilliant - thanks for the links, they're just what I need, although I
can't understand the language (yet).

Even if I'm unsuitable for the military for the reasons you gave, can
they still make me do the non-military national service?

Carsten Riis (27-08-2003)
Fra : Carsten Riis

Dato : 27-08-03 21:48

NickWKG wrote:
> Brilliant - thanks for the links, they're just what I need, although I
> can't understand the language (yet).
Remember information getting from usenet is only information from an
another person who has no obligations to you in the end.

I have answered your question as good as I can....there are no
guaranties what so ever.

> Even if I'm unsuitable for the military for the reasons you gave, can
> they still make me do the non-military national service?

Hmmmm, when you tell them that you want to learn the language then I
think that there are "jobopenings" in the non-military national service
where you can to NS and learn danish at the same time.

Don't ask what Denmark can do for you.....<<you know the rest of this

(Just joking..... I have actually no idea of the non-military national
service worked i daily life)
Med venlig hilsen Carsten Riis
Vær med til at redde liv ca. 4 gange om året

Anders Wegge Jakobse~ (28-08-2003)
Fra : Anders Wegge Jakobse~

Dato : 28-08-03 00:27

"NickWKG" == NickWKG <nickwkg@my-deja.com> writes:


> Even if I'm unsuitable for the military for the reasons you gave, can
> they still make me do the non-military national service?

No, unless you are fit for millitary service, you are totally of the
hook. Non-military service is only provided as an alternative for the
persons who

a) Is fit[1] (physically and otherwise) for service.


b) Actually have been selected[2] for service.

[1] I'd guess, by my experience, that you'd be unfit for service,
alone by the fact that you don't speak danish.

[2] It's a lottery kind of thing - right now I think it's 7 or 8000
out of a generation that actually has to serve, which in and of
itself gives you a chence (or risk) of 35-40% of actually having
to serve time.
/Wegge <http://outside.bakkelygaard.dk/~wegge/>

NickWKG (28-08-2003)
Fra : NickWKG

Dato : 28-08-03 13:12

Anders Wegge Jakobsen <wegge@bakkelygaard.dk> wrote in message news:<m2y8xebs22.fsf@obelix.bakkelygaard.dk>...
> "NickWKG" == NickWKG <nickwkg@my-deja.com> writes:
> > Even if I'm unsuitable for the military for the reasons you gave, can
> > they still make me do the non-military national service?
> No, unless you are fit for millitary service, you are totally of the
> hook. Non-military service is only provided as an alternative for the
> persons who
> a) Is fit[1] (physically and otherwise) for service.
> and
> b) Actually have been selected[2] for service.
> [1] I'd guess, by my experience, that you'd be unfit for service,
> alone by the fact that you don't speak danish.
> [2] It's a lottery kind of thing - right now I think it's 7 or 8000
> out of a generation that actually has to serve, which in and of
> itself gives you a chence (or risk) of 35-40% of actually having
> to serve time.

This is reassuring, but I think I should probably check my situation
with the Danish Embassy in London as Jens suggested to be sure.


Carsten Finn Rasmuss~ (28-08-2003)
Fra : Carsten Finn Rasmuss~

Dato : 28-08-03 15:20

NickWKG wrote:
> This is reassuring, but I think I should probably check my situation
> with the Danish Embassy in London as Jens suggested to be sure.
> Nick

Now you're talking sense.
Consulting the Danish Embassy willl clear up all youer questions.

Carsten (3600)
HELD er noget der indtræffer når grundige forberedelser
mødes med en gunstig lejlighed....

Jens (27-08-2003)
Fra : Jens

Dato : 27-08-03 19:32

NickWKG <nickwkg@my-deja.com> wrote:

> I'm a Danish citizen who's lived in England from a very young age, and
> doesn't speak Danish as a result. In an attempt to rectify this, I
> plan to move to Denmark next year, but I'm worried that I may have to
> do national service even though I'm now 26 years old. Does anyone know
> if I have anything to worry about?

As a danish citizen, male, age under 30, living in Denmark you will be
required to make an appearance before a selection-board ("Session"). The
board determines - partly based on your preferences - which branch of
national service you will be dispatched to - military, civil defence, or
civilian national service (based on refusal to bear arms).

You can apply for a postponement or even an exemption - but the outcome
is not certain. Several issues will influence the outcome. Among these
whether you have done national service in another country or not.

I suggest that you contact the Danish embassy to get concrete
information about your obligations as a citizen. This will help you
avoid unpleasant surprises later on.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on Usenet and in e-mail?

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