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Junior Senior U.S. album release
Fra : Michelle

Dato : 04-08-03 21:09

Hey hey!

Junior Senior's debut album is being released in the U.S. this
Tuesday. I've seen it in two ads that it's on sale for $7.99 only.
That's really cheap. The funny thing is that the album has a parental
advisory sticker on it, well I think it's even been printed on the
cover of the album. Funny huh? I don't remember them saying anything
bad in their songs to deserve that sticker am I wrong? I think it all
has to do with the word "dicks." Strange country I live in.


Karina Hjorth (05-08-2003)
Fra : Karina Hjorth

Dato : 05-08-03 12:18

> Junior Senior's debut album is being released in the U.S. this
> Tuesday.

Well.. it looked like they gave a fantastic concert in Central Park last

http://ekstrabladet.dk/VisArtikel.iasp?PageID=213711 (danish)


http://www.shubidua.nu - dedicated to the best band ever
http://www.shubidua.nu/salimata - dedicated to my fosterchild from Mali
http://www.freestyledesign.dk - my webdesign company

Louise KL (05-08-2003)
Fra : Louise KL

Dato : 05-08-03 18:55

"Karina Hjorth" <khjorth@oncable.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> > Junior Senior's debut album is being released in the U.S. this
> > Tuesday.
> Well.. it looked like they gave a fantastic concert in Central Park last
> night.
> http://ekstrabladet.dk/VisArtikel.iasp?PageID=213711 (danish)

Jeg var i central park i lørdags... gid jeg havde været der da de havde

Andrew (05-08-2003)
Fra : Andrew

Dato : 05-08-03 22:11

> Hey hey!
> Junior Senior's debut album is being released in the U.S. this
> Tuesday. I've seen it in two ads that it's on sale for $7.99 only.
> That's really cheap. The funny thing is that the album has a parental
> advisory sticker on it, well I think it's even been printed on the
> cover of the album. Funny huh? I don't remember them saying anything
> bad in their songs to deserve that sticker am I wrong? I think it all
> has to do with the word "dicks." Strange country I live in.

Det er sgu vildt !

De må have kendt nogle højtstående mennesker for at komme så langt så


Michael Castensen (05-08-2003)
Fra : Michael Castensen

Dato : 05-08-03 22:16

"Andrew" <andvalen@post.tele.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> De må have kendt nogle højtstående mennesker for at komme så langt så
> hurtigt...

Ja, for musikalsk talent har de ikke!

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Andrew (06-08-2003)
Fra : Andrew

Dato : 06-08-03 19:52

> > De må have kendt nogle højtstående mennesker for at komme så langt så
> > hurtigt...
> >
> Ja, for musikalsk talent har de ikke!

Enig, så dem på roskilde, og var ikke imponeret. Men de har da åbenbart fat
i et eller andet, så held og lykke til dem!


Michelle (06-08-2003)
Fra : Michelle

Dato : 06-08-03 00:11

"Andrew" <andvalen@post.tele.dk> wrote in message
> Det er sgu vildt !
> De må have kendt nogle højtstående mennesker for at komme så langt så
> hurtigt...

hmm can you translate that into English please?


Jacob Skaaning (06-08-2003)
Fra : Jacob Skaaning

Dato : 06-08-03 08:56

Andrew wrote:
>> Hey hey!
>> Junior Senior's debut album is being released in the U.S. this
>> Tuesday. I've seen it in two ads that it's on sale for $7.99 only.
>> That's really cheap. The funny thing is that the album has a parental
>> advisory sticker on it, well I think it's even been printed on the
>> cover of the album. Funny huh? I don't remember them saying anything
>> bad in their songs to deserve that sticker am I wrong? I think it all
>> has to do with the word "dicks." Strange country I live in.
> Det er sgu vildt !
> De må have kendt nogle højtstående mennesker for at komme så langt så
> hurtigt...

De blev spillet til en eller anden fest, og blandt andre Beck var vist ret
vilde med dem, og fik dem introduceret til de rigtige mennesker...


When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or
pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not,
mmmmmmm, boy.

Robert Eriksen (06-08-2003)
Fra : Robert Eriksen

Dato : 06-08-03 17:07

Andrew wrote:

>>Hey hey!
>>Junior Senior's debut album is being released in the U.S. this
>>Tuesday. I've seen it in two ads that it's on sale for $7.99 only.
>>That's really cheap. The funny thing is that the album has a parental
>>advisory sticker on it, well I think it's even been printed on the
>>cover of the album. Funny huh? I don't remember them saying anything
>>bad in their songs to deserve that sticker am I wrong? I think it all
>>has to do with the word "dicks." Strange country I live in.
> Det er sgu vildt !
> De må have kendt nogle højtstående mennesker for at komme så langt så
> hurtigt...

Ifølge Ekstra Bladet (Danmarks førende kilde til seriøs journalistik) er
de ikke de eneste danskere der har gang i noget over-there


"Når The King Of Pop, Michael Jackson, i slutningen af august fejrer sin
45-års fødselsdag med et brag af en fest i The Orpheum Theatre i
Californien, bliver drømmen til virkelighed for 13-årige Yannick
Harrison fra Hornbæk. Som den første dansker nogensinde, skal han både
møde superstjernen og optræde for ham."

Yannick Harrison = Jay-Kid


Michelle (07-08-2003)
Fra : Michelle

Dato : 07-08-03 08:11

"Andrew" <andvalen@post.tele.dk> wrote in message
> Det er sgu vildt !
> De må have kendt nogle højtstående mennesker for at komme så langt så
> hurtigt...
> /Anders

Well, I dunno. But they performed on Regis and Kelly on Monday and just a
few minutes ago on the Carson Daly Show. They have also been in Rolling
Stone magazine and mentioned on MTV a few months ago on this thing called
"You hear it first" and their video is a "spankin' new" video which means
it's on heavy rotation on mtv (more than likely MTV2 because MTV plays
videos for an hour only a day it seems around 3 am or something...I've only
seen the JS video at the end of The Real World or The Osbournes as a small
clip). I've also heard their new single on the radio. Oh and some people I
know bought their album already and I didn't even know they liked Junior
Senior or knew of them. I've known of them since you guys have, I guess. So
it came as a surprise and someone told me there are only two copies of their
album left at a store by my house. Pretty crazy! The Raveonettes on the
other hand released their album here also but I've never heard them
mentioned in the media or on the radio or anything...


Robert Eriksen (07-08-2003)
Fra : Robert Eriksen

Dato : 07-08-03 19:38

Michelle wrote:

> (more than likely MTV2 because MTV plays
> videos for an hour only a day it seems around 3 am or something...I've only
> seen the JS video at the end of The Real World or The Osbournes as a small
> clip).

eeehh.. does MTV US only play music an hour a day?
Then whats on for the other 23 hours? Just a lot of reality shows and


Michelle (07-08-2003)
Fra : Michelle

Dato : 07-08-03 22:34

"Robert Eriksen" <roeBLÅBÆRGRØD@adr.dk> wrote in message
> Michelle wrote:
> > (more than likely MTV2 because MTV plays
> > videos for an hour only a day it seems around 3 am or something...I've
> > seen the JS video at the end of The Real World or The Osbournes as a
> > clip).
> eeehh.. does MTV US only play music an hour a day?
> Then whats on for the other 23 hours? Just a lot of reality shows and
> commercials?

Exactly! They took the Music out of Mtv. :( Surf Girls, True Life (I'm a
cheerleader, i'm going to fat camp, i'm getting a divorce, I'm getting
plastic surgery, I'm a little person etc), Made (I wanna be a cheerleader, I
wanna be a lifeguard etc, The Osbournes, The Real World, Tom Green Show,
Making the Band, Punk'd, Road Rules, Making The Video, some Spiderman
cartoon, TRL, Fact or Myth (whatever it's called) etc there's a lot. You can
catch music videos about 3 hours a day at the most and it's usually when
you're sleeping around 3 - 5 am. It's called MTV After Hours, but don't
expect to see any cool videos. :) VH1 and this spanish station called Mun2
actually play better videos and more videos hehe.


-V- (07-08-2003)
Fra : -V-

Dato : 07-08-03 22:41

Michelle wrote:
>>> (more than likely MTV2 because MTV plays
>>> videos for an hour only a day it seems around 3 am or
>>> something...I've only seen the JS video at the end of The Real
>>> World or The Osbournes as a small clip).

Michelle, forgive me for my ignorance. You might have told us before, but
how come you are so attached to and interested in danish music in

You often seem to know more about danish bands than any of us in this NG....


Michelle (08-08-2003)
Fra : Michelle

Dato : 08-08-03 02:49

"-V-" <Diplomaten@snotmail.com> wrote in message
> Michelle, forgive me for my ignorance. You might have told us before, but
> how come you are so attached to and interested in danish music in
> particular?`
> You often seem to know more about danish bands than any of us in this

hehe well yes I have answered this question soooo many times, but it's not
so easy to answer actually. :) I've always liked music from Europe in
particular since I first developed a real taste in music (around 1993 when I
was 12). I love finding new cool bands that no one else here knows about. I
used to see a band mentioned in the NME in 1995 and just go buy their album
without hearing them and most of the time finding out they were cool and
sometimes not liking them. The music scene in America isn't exactly even
close to being good. My brother is also very into music like me so we feed
off eachother sometimes although he only likes bands that sing in English
and hates all my foreign non English speaking bands.
:( He makes fun of Kliche all the time. :(

So I don't just like Danish music, I do like some American music also btw.
But yeah yeah as you can see I somehow really like Denmark in particular.
I don't know if I can give a valid reason. It just all started when I
asked my online Danish friend in 1999 to make me a CD with danish music
because I wanted to hear some bands from Denmark, I knew he had a cool taste
in music (it was very similar to mine) and I knew he would pick something
cool to put on this CD. So he first introduced me to bands like Mew,
Kashmir, Kliche/Lars Hug, Gangway, Psyched Up Janis and some others and I
liked them a lot. Now today I know a lot, yeah, not just mainstream stuff!
And I'm a bit fascinated with Denmark. I hope to be a foreign student there
soon, you get a lot of great concerts! I wish I could learn Danish, but it's
not offered at my University. :( For listening to so much Danish music
though and going on Danish sites I can at least (most of the time)
understand what's being said written down, in general, but not always. I
learned German at my University and eventhough it's completely different
than Danish, sometimes this can help me with figuring out Danish sentences
and what I don't understand I can ask my Danish friends I know from the net.
I think the music scene in Denmark is a really cool one and I can't help but
liking what I hear. :) Now I've been watching some Danish movies as well and
liking them too. Like Blinkende Lygter, Gamle Maend i nye biler and I kina
spiser de hunde. I'm pretty sure I was born in the wrong country.


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