> For h... Det må sgu da være en apilsnar... eller hvad!? Argh - jeg er
> ellers lige kommet til at give tippet videre i god tro... Ellers havde
> vi da for længst hørt om det - ik'?
Jo desværre er det en aprilsnar. Jeg blev inspireret af en mail på en Newton
mailing liste jeg abbonerer på:
> Today, I inserted an 8MB intel Series II FlashRAM card into my Newton 2100
> with Prefs window open (to erease it). But, by mistake, I had the write
> protect switch in the on position (the tiny switch at the top small side of
> the card).
> I got a dialog box I have never seen before:
> (translated from German)
> There is an unused partition of memory in this card:
> (o) activate all available memory
> (o) activate nominal memory
> [cancel] [erease]
> Of course I decided to activate all memory, and after confiming to erease
> all, I got 10Mb out of the 8MB card. I tried to copy more than 8MB to make
> sure it actually work and indeed, I could fill up to 9.6 MB.
> Next I tried an Newton brand 4MB card (these cards were actually
> manufactured by intel) the same way, and voila, 10MB.
> I visited a friend who own a 16MB, tried the same and guess what - I could
> activate a full 20MB of RAM.
> Now I searched in my collection of intel FlashRAM PC-Cards Technical Notes
> (I burnt them on CD for future reference, but didn't really read them) and
> I found this information (I don't have the info on hand while writing this
> post, so it's not a quote):
> In order to reduce manufacturing costs by using higher density flash RAM
> chips we only produced 10MB and 20MB Series II beginning 26 week in 1997.
> Because of long term contracts with OEM customers we only activated the
> nominal MB. That means that 2MB, 4MB, and 8MB cards are actually partly
> avtivated 10MB cards, while 12MB and 16MB cards are equipped with 20MB of
> RAM. You can reformat the cards with intel linear Flash RAM utilities.
> Intel sold it's linear flash RAM business to centennial in 1999, there
> aren't any linear Flash RAM technical note still online, so I can't give a
> link - sorry.
Jeg begyndte selv at checke mit hukommelsekort i min Newton for om det var
lavet af Intel, inden jeg opdagede datoen.
Prøv at gå ind på
www.pbzone.com (powerbookzone). De er blevet til Pb zone i
dag, nok som en joke til Ti Powerbooken (Pb er åbenbart bly. Jeg fik godt
nok 11 i fysik/kemi på HF, men samfundsvidenskabelig skoling får en til at
glemme alt om det periodiske system). Sidste år var de blevet til
PeanutButterzone. Derfor henvisningen til pbzone og det falske Poul DIssing
citat i min mail.
Sorry hvis jeg gav folk et falsk håb.