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Fra : phineas 

Dato : 20-06-03 16:16


i never got really into playing games on my machine, but now i thought
that that might be a funny thing to try... does anyone know the
newest/favourite/best games for mac (preferably OSX compitible)?

there's 2 games i heard about/saw that i'm in particular interested in:
the new 'enter the matrix'-matrix-game (supposedly there's more than an
hour of film footage one can only see in the game, with the original
actors and stuff), and the other one is called 'hit-man' (i think that's
even danish, but i'm not sure?). i seem to have heard that neither of
those 2 is available for the mac/OSX, but maybe you can give me some
other recommendations for cool games?


PowerBook G3 500 (pismo)
MacOSX 10.2.6, 384mb RAM, iPod (5gig)
iChat (AIM) "hanslerrr"

Henrik Lindskou (21-06-2003)
Fra : Henrik Lindskou

Dato : 21-06-03 00:54

phineas ? wrote:
> hejsa,
> i never got really into playing games on my machine, but now i thought
> that that might be a funny thing to try... does anyone know the
> newest/favourite/best games for mac (preferably OSX compitible)?
> there's 2 games i heard about/saw that i'm in particular interested in:
> the new 'enter the matrix'-matrix-game (supposedly there's more than an
> hour of film footage one can only see in the game, with the original
> actors and stuff), and the other one is called 'hit-man' (i think that's
> even danish, but i'm not sure?). i seem to have heard that neither of
> those 2 is available for the mac/OSX, but maybe you can give me some
> other recommendations for cool games?
> thanx

De eneste spil jeg har til OSX er:

1)Warcraft III (strategi)
Beskrivelse af spillet: http://www.2ndgames.dk/vare.asp?varenr=0ROM6199
Demo på 106MB: http://www.apple.com/games/articles/2002/06/warcraft3/

2)Return to CarstelWolfenstein (first player shoot em up)
Demo på 108MB: http://www.apple.com/games/articles/2002/02/wolfenstein/

Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at prøve Medal of honor allied assult, men der
er ingen demo.

OSX Demo spil på: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/games_demoupdates/

Unreal Tournement kan foresten køre i OSX med et lille patch.



Henrik Lindskou

Søren Theilgaard (21-06-2003)
Fra : Søren Theilgaard

Dato : 21-06-03 09:44

In article <3EF39E7A.8020700@worldonline.dk>, Henrik Lindskou
<sydjyderfjern@worldonline.dk> wrote:

> Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at prøve Medal of honor allied assult, men der
> er ingen demo.

MOHAA er et kanon godt spil, jeg er nu kommet igennem det, og det var
en stor oplevelse. Der er gode varienrende baner, og mange forskellige
missioner. Og så virker det nærmest realistisk, men det kan jeg jo ikke

Der er en demo til den ny version af MOHAA, med tilnavnet Spearhead.

Ellers er der andre gode spil:
Red Faction
No One Lives Forever (007)
4x4 Evolution 2
Spider Man

Hvis man er misundelig over ikke at kunne spille CounterStrike på Mac,
kan man prøve disse i stedet:
Til Q3A: http://www.urbanterror.net/
Til UT: http://www.strike-force.com/ og http://www.strikeforce.dk/

Begge er rigtig gode, StrikeForce nok den mest realistiske.

Og så er der også spil fra Ambrosia

> OSX Demo spil på: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/games_demoupdates/

Ikke mindst, også på: http://www.macgamefiles.com/

Spil-nyheder her: http://www.insidemacgames.com/news/

Så skulle man vist lige være dællet ind til weekenden

Søren Theilgaard

Theilgaard Consult

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