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"Sex change for Toto member"
Fra : Jesper Barrit

Dato : 13-06-03 16:12
Robert Eriksen (13-06-2003)
Fra : Robert Eriksen

Dato : 13-06-03 19:08

Jesper Barrit wrote:
> http://www.toto99.com/news/news.html
> http://www.undercover.com.au/news/2003/20030613_toto.html
> Hmmmm... Dårlig joke?

Ser nu ud til at være god nok


"One day after releasing the news about David's replacement by Greg
Phillinganes, Toto came out with the real reason of David missing the
Toto summer tour. David will not be part of the summer tour due to a sex
change operation. He'll come back as Davida Paich before the start of
the Night of the Proms tour.
Lukather: "Very deep... VERY deep. I am so sorry he has had to deal with
all this. I can't imagine how hard it has been for him... I am his pal
and always will be and I know he will get thru all this and stay a cool
friend after all. I did some calls to double check the real truth before
putting all this on my own website!!!" "


Bo (15-06-2003)
Fra : Bo

Dato : 15-06-03 09:40

> Hmmmm... Dårlig joke?

Ja det er en joke bekræftet. Steve Lukather's sans for humor slår til igen.
Ganske spøjst at selv BT har nyheden nu....

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