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ccna test
Fra : Towli

Dato : 21-05-03 09:51

Hej gruppe

I ccna test certificering er følgende spørgsmål :

Which of the following are examples of TCP/IP application layer protocols
(choose 3)

1) a terminal emulation protocol that supports remote console connections
with various dvices
2) a protocol created by IBM that makes it easier for mainframes to connect
to remote offices
3) a protocol responsible for transporting electronic mail on TCP/IP
networks and the Internet
4) a protocol that controls the rate at which data is sent to another
5) a protocol that exhanges network management information between a network
device and a management console

Jeg mener alle er rigtige undtagen 4 (flow control er på lag 4 vel).

Hvilke 3 skal vælges?

1000 tak


Anders Pedersen (21-05-2003)
Fra : Anders Pedersen

Dato : 21-05-03 16:36

Hej Towli

Jeg er tilbøjelig til at give dig ret. Dog er jeg lidt i tvivl om hvad man
kan 'læse ind i' 2)

1) Fx.. Telnet = Layer 7
2) Måske tænkes der her på SNA som ikke er TCP/IP
3) Fx. SMTP = Layer 7
4) Fx. TCP = Layer 4
5) Fx. SNMP = Layer 7


"Towli" <towli@oldboyz.dk> wrote in message
> Hej gruppe
> I ccna test certificering er følgende spørgsmål :
> Which of the following are examples of TCP/IP application layer protocols
> (choose 3)
> 1) a terminal emulation protocol that supports remote console connections
> with various dvices
> 2) a protocol created by IBM that makes it easier for mainframes to
> to remote offices
> 3) a protocol responsible for transporting electronic mail on TCP/IP
> networks and the Internet
> 4) a protocol that controls the rate at which data is sent to another
> computer
> 5) a protocol that exhanges network management information between a
> device and a management console
> Jeg mener alle er rigtige undtagen 4 (flow control er på lag 4 vel).
> Hvilke 3 skal vælges?
> 1000 tak
> /T

Towli (22-05-2003)
Fra : Towli

Dato : 22-05-03 10:01

Tak for opmærksomheden anyway Anders


"Anders Pedersen" <andersp_edersen@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hej Towli
> Jeg er tilbøjelig til at give dig ret. Dog er jeg lidt i tvivl om hvad man
> kan 'læse ind i' 2)
> 1) Fx.. Telnet = Layer 7
> 2) Måske tænkes der her på SNA som ikke er TCP/IP
> 3) Fx. SMTP = Layer 7
> 4) Fx. TCP = Layer 4
> 5) Fx. SNMP = Layer 7
> /A
> "Towli" <towli@oldboyz.dk> wrote in message
> news:bafem6$180s$1@news.cybercity.dk...
> > Hej gruppe
> >
> > I ccna test certificering er følgende spørgsmål :
> >
> > Which of the following are examples of TCP/IP application layer
> > (choose 3)
> >
> > 1) a terminal emulation protocol that supports remote console
> > with various dvices
> > 2) a protocol created by IBM that makes it easier for mainframes to
> connect
> > to remote offices
> > 3) a protocol responsible for transporting electronic mail on TCP/IP
> > networks and the Internet
> > 4) a protocol that controls the rate at which data is sent to another
> > computer
> > 5) a protocol that exhanges network management information between a
> network
> > device and a management console
> >
> >
> >
> > Jeg mener alle er rigtige undtagen 4 (flow control er på lag 4 vel).
> >
> > Hvilke 3 skal vælges?
> >
> > 1000 tak
> >
> > /T
> >
> >

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