Knud Albert Jepsen <> wrote:
> PoP <> wrote:
> > F.eks. live-transmitterede koncerter m.m.?
> Jeg fandt dette forleden - jeg harikke prøvet det, men det er måske det
> du søger:
> today I've something special (more a hint than a [k] ;) but some people
> asked
> my if it's possible
> to save a QT-Streaming movie - the answer is yes.
> I'll explain it on a public available stream at:
> Step by step:
> 1. Start the movie stream (simply click the poster)
> 2. After the connection is established - save the movie stub to disk
> (Save as
> self...). Now you
> should have a small movie file on your HD (some kb but not the whole
> movie)
> 3. Now comes the "trick": Open this file with Resourcerer/HexEdit or any
> other
> utilitie that allow
> you to examine the DATA-FORK of the file...Inside the DF you will find a
> URL -
> for titan_ae:
> 'mdatrtsp://
> channels/foxmovies/rtsp/050400/'
> NOTE: The filename of the movie may depend on your QT Connection-Speed
> setting -
> to get a best quality available you should set your Connection Speed to
> Intranet/LAN.
> 4. Now simply copy the important part of the url and paste it into your
> browsers location field -
> in this case:
> ''
> 5. Press Return and viola your browser should start downloading....
> wait until the movie has fully loaded - now you can save the FULL movie
> to your
> hd
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