Hej Michael!
Thanks for answering my questions.

Do you have any footage of Love Shop,
bootlegs or b-sides?
"Michael Hjorth" <mhjorth1@netscape.net> wrote in message
> Michelle wrote:
> >
> > "Michael Hjorth" <mhjorth1@netscape.net> wrote in message
> > news:3EC5614D.20DFD685@netscape.net...
> > > Peter Theglev wrote:
> > > Da de blev kaldt frem anden gang var de ikke til at stoppe, og der fik
> > > vi 6 (så vidt jeg husker) numre af de bedste hvor sluttede med to
> > > fantastiske versioner af "En Nat Bliver Det Sommer" og "Du Er Kommet
> > > At Gå".
> >
> > Sounds like it must have been a cool concert. Did you say you saw them
> > Roskilde, Denmark?
> Yes, they played at Gimle at small venue in Roskilde with room for a few
> hundred people. A very nice place in which I've heard many great
> concerts.
> > Did you record it?
> No, I just enjoyed the music at the moment. Bearing in mind the memory
> of a great concert
> >Were there any t-shirts for sale at this concert?
> I didn't see any, so I don't think so.
> > What did they look like? :)
> They looked great, and it seemed like they vere having a good time too.
> > I read the Love Shop posts and I'm
> > pretty sure I understood everything that was said

but just to
> > one thing did you say that they played for 2 1/2 hours with no breaks?
> Correct, they only left the stage two times for a few minutes before the
> two encores.
> > Concerts over here usually last one hour, is Love Shop an exception in
> > Denmark? Or was this unusual even for them? One last question :)
> It is quite usual that a concert lasts between 1 and 2 hours, but beyond
> two hours is unusual. However as far as I understand they have played
> quite long shows on this mini-tour with only 5 dates.
> > did they
> > make a video for their new album?
> Don't know, there was no video-recording at this concert.
> Michael.