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Mit GF4ti4200 (ASUS V9280/TD) kan ikke vis~
Fra : dk_sz

Dato : 06-05-03 20:35

I have newest nvidia driver, Win2K SP3 etc. all updated.
On my normal computer screen video shows just fine, but on my TV things are
different (the "videos/files" I have tryed viewing are some of the newer
downloadable episodes of http://msdn.microsoft.com/theshow/).

Everything normal Windows looks (very/quite) fine with perfect color etc.
(examples: Windows Desktop, Internet Explorer etc.) on the TV and
computer screen; however, where the video/show should be there's
just a black/grey screen (on my TV that is - on the computer screen ALL
looks fine)..

What is wrong? Who should I blame? What can I do?

best regards

Aksel Spandet (06-05-2003)
Fra : Aksel Spandet

Dato : 06-05-03 21:42


> I have newest nvidia driver, Win2K SP3 etc. all updated.
> On my normal computer screen video shows just fine, but on my TV things
> different (the "videos/files" I have tryed viewing are some of the newer
> "high-quality"
> downloadable episodes of http://msdn.microsoft.com/theshow/).
> Everything normal Windows looks (very/quite) fine with perfect color etc.
> (examples: Windows Desktop, Internet Explorer etc.) on the TV and
> computer screen; however, where the video/show should be there's
> just a black/grey screen (on my TV that is - on the computer screen ALL
> looks fine)..
> What is wrong? Who should I blame? What can I do?
(This is transladted from danish windows.... so it might not be the rigth

1. Go into sreen setup
2. In screen setup (Where you can adjust how many pixels(Dont know what it
is called in english) and adjust det color depth.)
Push the advanced button.
3. Clik on your grafics card
4. Choose overlay controls and change your full screen device to secondary

You should now have the film on your tv!

Hope you understand! If not, then write back.... and ill try to explan

dk_sz (07-05-2003)
Fra : dk_sz

Dato : 07-05-03 11:09

> Push the advanced button.
> 3. Clik on your grafics card
> 4. Choose overlay controls and change your full screen device to secondary

Det virkede (btw, subject her var på dansk, jeg prøvede først at poste i en
".nvidia" gruppen, men fik ikke svar)!
Det er lidt irriterende at jeg ikke kan vælge normal klon på video, men at
det skal være ingen/fuld
eller fuld/ingen på henholdsvis tv og computer-skærm. Det er dog en lille
ting. Mange tak for din hjælp!


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