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Re: Filur
Fra : Michelle

Dato : 22-04-03 18:21

"Morten Buus Pedersen" <klyne@tdcspace.dk> wrote in message
> Filur mainly remixes tracks of other artists.
> Thay're known remixes includes artists like Brandy, Junior Senior and
> Duo.
> Check out there page at: http://www.filurnet.com/
> There's some samples.

Thanks Morten and Mads. I looked on this website and the "samples" page
seems to be under construction. I'm not sure if doing a remix of a Brandy
song is impressive. hehe thanks for the info though, now I know a little
more about them!


Martin Moeller (22-04-2003)
Fra : Martin Moeller

Dato : 22-04-03 22:55

Michelle wrote:

> Thanks Morten and Mads. I looked on this website and the "samples" page
> seems to be under construction. I'm not sure if doing a remix of a Brandy
> song is impressive. hehe thanks for the info though, now I know a little
> more about them!

If you want to hear some samples of Filur´s music, you should be able to
hear them here:

Martin Møller

Michelle (23-04-2003)
Fra : Michelle

Dato : 23-04-03 04:53

"Martin Moeller" <martin.moller@get2net.dot.dk> wrote in message
> Michelle wrote:
> > Thanks Morten and Mads. I looked on this website and the "samples" page
> > seems to be under construction. I'm not sure if doing a remix of a
> > song is impressive. hehe thanks for the info though, now I know a little
> > more about them!
> If you want to hear some samples of Filur´s music, you should be able to
> hear them here:
> http://www.cdskiven.dk/default.asp?view=kunstner&kunstnerid=17511

Hey thanks!

I was able to hear samples on this site. A part of me thinks this band
would be cooler if they didn't get the people they chose to sing on their
songs. Although I do like the voice of Pernille and one other singer sounded
alright but the others ruined the songs cuz the background music was cool.
Well I just only heard samples though. :) Thanks for the help!


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