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Holstein/Holsteinborg and the Duke of Well~
Fra : Lesley Albertson

Dato : 04-04-03 20:33

Hej alle,

First of all, let me say hello again to my favourite list ... I had to
crawl over cut glass to get here ;-((

(Try finding the Server name, if you live *ned under* and have lost it
.... never, never again will I try moving my Inbox from c: to d: ...

Anyway, what I would like to know is why, in 1806, Sir Arthur Wellesley
(later the Duke of Wellington) and his 1st cousin Anna (or Anne)
Wellesley were staying at Holsteinborg Castle with the Countess of

I know that they were related in some way - both Wellesley and Holstein
are listed several times on Starke's Genealogical Cross Reference Index
for German-Austrian nobility:


But what exactly was the link? And for the $64,000 prize, why was JJ
staying with them - and is there a connection with the fact that Arthur
Wellesley was the head of a spy ring at the time?

No, I don't seriously expect anyone to answer that last bit ... I just
hope that someone might have a large tome (or CD-Rom) with lines of
Royal descent in it )

Anna (Anne)'s father was Richard Colley Wellesley (1760-1842), mother
Hyacinthe Gabrielle Rolland (1794- 1816), if that helps.

Mange tak,

(Melbourne, Australia ... autumn here now, and last night's temperature
got to 4 deg C. Cold!)

Poul F. Andersen (05-04-2003)
Fra : Poul F. Andersen

Dato : 05-04-03 09:05

Hello Lesley,

If you want a picture of Holsteinborg, you can get it here for free:


Poul F. Andersen

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